Epic of Bee

Chapter 200 Don't Let Him Finish!

"Oh, that time has already passed, and I think that it should just be the four of us. I really hate when people interrupt my fun," The black-armored knight said and started to lift his hand.

"That is a Fall," Gamble started to say, but the moment the man\'s hand raised, Gamble cut off, and black spikes started to grow from the knight.

"Trent can trust in his Sheep all he wants, but at the end of the day, the only way to ensure a job is done properly is to do it yourself!" The creature said, and a cold chill ran through my body.

Fallen. That was what Gamble was trying to warn me.

"Come back here, now! That is an order!" I called out, and both men jumped back to stand in front of me, but the scenery had changed.

The Life Ooze was gone, and we were no longer in the tunnel or anywhere that I had ever been before. We were standing on a blasted landscape, and the sky was space.

"Where have you taken us?" I called over to the black knight that was now covered in spikes and turning to a more purple color.

"You have had a chance to visit Beezli\'s home? Yes, no? Well, as a Fallen, this is where I was forced to stay until Trent was able to collect my Demon Tokens. Now, I am free to move between the two!" the creature explained, but I didn\'t think that was the whole truth.

"I don\'t think that is the case, or why would you be wasting your time helping Trent? Who are you, and what are your goals? Is Trents\' goal to burn the world just the same as yours?" I asked.

I wasn\'t sure what the actual goal for each Fallen was, but it had to be to move on just like Beezli and Pelleta. That was what I had assumed, but the laugh that I got from the Fallen said that I was wrong about something.

"I am Geth, and Trent\'s goal lines up perfectly with mine, but the Fallens agenda is not the same as Trents\'. He is okay with this repeated life, and not that he has been reborn again; he feels that it will happen no matter what he does. I encourage this reckless behavior, and the Fallen and I will guide him to completely destroy this world," Geth said with a hearty laugh that did not match what he was saying.

I could see what was going on now. Geth and the Rest of the Fallen were going to push Trent into destroying the world like what A1 did, but why did they want it if Trent wasn\'t trying to escape?

"Why? What is the purpose of ending the world?" I asked.

"All Fallen have the same goal, and all Risen do as well. The Fallen are always looking for a way to end it all; we want to stop this endless cycle. The Risen want to move forward; they think that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but those are just lies to keep us playing their games! Look at the Timeduss! Risen that pretend that they are free to do what they want, but are they?" Geth asked, and I knew what he was talking about.

"So, this is the best that you Fallen can do? You can\'t win. Do you plan on giving up instead but taking everyone with you? Sounds like you are all a bunch of cowards that have had the stuffing knocked out of you!" I countered, and the smile slipped off Geth\'s face, and he sneered at me.

"YOU HAVE NOT LIVED FOR AS LONG AS I HAVE, MORTAL!" Geth roared, but I had heard enough.

"Mortal? I am not mortal. Geth, I am going to beat more stuffing out of you until you go back crying to Trent. I think that you are all cowards that are too scared to try something new, but that is fine. I am here on the side of the Risen, and that makes us enemies, right? No, you are the one that decided that we are to be enemies. I want you to remember that," I said and then sent out the command to the floor along with the plan we had decided on while I was talking.

"Even if you do beat me here, it is too late for your useless sister! Pendra will be fully consumed by the Lichtar before you ever get a chance to save her!" Geth called out laughing as Serria took her place behind me.

"That is a lot of talking for someone that should be paying attention to what is going on around him," I said as I reached up into the air, causing reality to split open, and I wrapped my hands around the Royal Hex-Angle Divide.

At the exact moment, Tag and Sig smashed into each other and erupted with light. I had told them to get into a fighting form that could attack, and the two agreed.

They had smashed together at the same time with the same force. When the light cleared, there was a robotic-looking red and green knight the same height as my QBee Drone in their place.

I pulled my spear out, but as I did, my body was starting to change. All the plates on my body were being covered with blue scale-like armor, and I saw that my stats were being increased.

​ [Dragon Armor] Activated!

"You think that less of you will be able to take me on?! I shall make you pay for your oversight, mortals!" Geth screamed and then reached out to the side, making the air crack like I had to pull out my Royal Hex-Angle Divide.

I was confused at first, but then my blood ran ice cold as I watched as Geth pulled his hand down and then started to make the hole bigger. As he did, parts started to fly out; small ones at first, but then more significant pieces that were fussing together to make something massive.

"Don\'t let him finish whatever he is building!" I called out and burst forwards

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