Epic of Bee

Chapter 224 Turning Back, And Designing A Way Forward

Well, this turned out a lot better than I had hoped for, but I didn\'t need to go left.

"What is down the other path?" I asked as I signaled for everyone to come out of hiding.

"Don\'t go down there. There is a legendary beast that has been sealed away by Rai Cait himself there, but the seal is almost two hundred years old. I do not suggest that you go that way," Kiliada warned me, but the OpsBees had made a complete sweep of the areas that we had passed, and there were only normal monsters left in this section.

We could go back, and I could see what other paths there were, but this was part of the way that I needed to go.

"I do not suggest you go that way yet. There is no sun down here, but you have been up for a very long time. The adrenaline will fade soon, and you will feel your exhaustion set in from your fight. I suggest that we head back for today. We can collect the Nectar, and turn in what we have to Bill, and see if we can get a place for you to have a real sleep," Atom suggested to me.

Every part of me wanted to keep going, but I knew that Atom was right. I could feel my body start to get heavier now that the fight was over.

"I am going to have to turn back, and I will get some rest and then come back after. I have some other things to do first, but then I will come and deal with the other two," I told Kiliada the Ravager.

"I suggest that you train more before trying to fight the other two. The Meccat only follow the strongest, and that is the emperor. Shiva, Rai Cait\'s first wife, has powerful Blizzard Storm abilities. I suggest that you spend a day or week training and try to get stronger," Kiliada explained to me, but I smiled at him.

"I was going easy on you, and I didn\'t use my full power, but I will take your words into consideration. Thank you for the lessons today," I said and then turned back to Kiliada and bowed.

"I knew that there must be something more to you, and I wish that I could join you to see it in action, but I have to stay here. I could tell that you were serious about getting through, and when you started to get stronger and then almost landed a strike on me, I had to ask you about your intent," Kiliada said but then started to shift back. "I am interested to see what happens when you meet with Rai Cait."

"Be careful what you wish for. If you are destined to become a Battleship, I might call upon you. I have a bone to pick with the Sky Folk," I said as my pets stepped up beside me, and my Dragon armor finally started to crumble off me.

"We will have to see what the future brings because only time will measure the weight of our words. Go get some rest, young Queen," Kiliada said, but that was right when he finished transforming into the monstrous form we found him in.

I turned back and reached my hand out to Helaina, but she and both the Thrulls looked shell-shocked. I walked forward and then took her hand, floating us into the air.

"How? You moved so fast? You can\'t be a mortal! There is no way!" Helaina exclaimed as I floated us forward.

"I have evolved, so I am not really normal, and I have a special ability that I can use. I could give the cats my Queen\'s Blessing, but they are on my two royal guards right now, Tag and Sig. They are protecting some important people, so I don\'t want to remove it from them," I explained without going into detail about anything.

"That really doesn\'t explain much, but I guess that\'s all you can tell me. Do you think that the Vampires will give us a place to sleep?" Helaina asked to change the subject, but I wasn\'t really sure about that.

"Do Vampires sleep?" I asked, and Maurice spoke up.

"No, but we do have places to rest because we do get exhausted from lack of blood. So, we do have some Privacy Caves. They are used for rest, among other things, but we will speak to Bill and introduce you. He will not mind having you around, and when we explain you to him, and you give him the Blood Sacs that you have with you and the Nectar, Bill will treat you like a Goddess," Maurice explained.

"That is good to hear. We will go and collect all the Nectar we need, and we will also eat while we are there," I explained as we started to make our way back down the tunnel.

[View of Tag, Sig, Pendra, Granthus, John, Miku, and Rixie]

John had just finished sealing the QBee and NekoBee Drones in the Wax-nade Storage Hexagons. Tag and Sig were now rolling the two MechaBees.

They were trying to get them into an area that was out of view to anyone passing. Even though Gamble had said they should be indestructible, the men weren\'t taking any chances.

\'Do you think that we should fly there? We could make it fast, but we would be spotted coming in,\' Tag sent to Sig.

\'I think we should consider some type of land transformation this time. The sound we will create to get there will be heard from miles around, and we are some kind of land creature then we will be able to make it there easier, right?\' Sig thought back, and the two turned back to the group.

\'I don\'t think a bunch of people riding a big Mecha-wingless dragon is very covert. What about something with wheels? Can we do that?\' Tag asked as they started to walk, and Sig was silent for a bit.

Sig was running through the schematics that he had in his head. Since his evolution, Sig\'s body was constantly going through small adaptive changes based on the environments that he was in.

"I will try to come up with something," Sig said as his mind started to work.

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