Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 39 - Thirty-Nine: Clear The Room

Lillia immediately snapped back to focusing on her task and whole bunch of new roots sprung up from the ground, entwining the creature. Altria dodged the creatures flailing arms and ran across the chamber to where Serin was laid on the ground.

"She\'s still breathing!" She shouted in relief.

Altria reached to her pouch and pulled out a health potion. She lifted Serin\'s head and pored the vials contents down it. I couldn\'t tell from where I was stood, but it looked as if she still hadn\'t regained consciousness.

"Theo, some help here please."

I glanced at Lillia before I moved, she simply nodded. The Ogre was pinned for now, but she wouldn\'t be able to hold it for long. There were only a few goblins left in the room staggering about, one crossed my path as I made my way to Serin and Altria. I hurriedly drove my sword into its face. The creature fell to the floor twitching as I pressed my boot on its chest as I extracted the blade. I gave the Ogre a wide birth and sprinted the last stretch to the far wall.

"How is she?" I asked. Trying to catch my breath.

"Not good."

"Should I try to heal her?"

"No time. Grab her under the arms, I\'ll take the feet. Head to the exit."


We awkwardly picked up Serin, she was limp and a dead weight as we tried to move her to the exist as quickly as possible. Unsurprisingly we caught the attention of the last couple of goblins still drawing breath in the room. The first approached from the rear and lunged at Altria, she had enough wits about her to kick the thing it the face, her boot crashing straight into its teeth and sending it to the ground with a heavy thud. We tried to pick up the pace and make it to the exit before the next one reached us. Luckily, they were still under the influence of daze and were moving slowly.

As we reached the corridor leading out of the room, we laid the still unconscious Serin down against the far wall.

"Stay here and protect her." Ordered Altria.

"Of course."

Altria drew her dagger and plunged it onto the neck of the second goblin that had been close on our heels. It slid to the ground, its blood spurting out of the wound. Altria shook the dagger and stood next to Lillia.

"We\'re in a pickle, I\'m going to have to do that." She told Lillia.

"You could collapse the entire room and half the corridor, not to mention you\'ll be practically done for the day!" Protested Lillia.

"Got a better idea?"

"No." Lillia answered after a moment\'s thought.

"Then keep it there until I give the signal. Then get out of here with the others."

"Fine. Just make it out."

"I will."

Altria sheathed her dagger and stood still deep in concentration her arms both held out in front of her. A blue glow started to envelope her as she stood there and something that looked like a crystal started to grow at her fingertips. The thing had grown to the size of a rugby ball by the time Altria gave Lillia the signal.

"Take the others and go."

Lillia waited for a moment as if she was fighting an internal struggle, before finally turning her back on the ogre and heading to where I was stood over Serin. Lillia grabbed her legs and I took her arms on instinct.

"Let\'s move… Now go." Lillia shouted seeing my hesitance.

I didn\'t want to leave Altria there alone, but I had to trust she knew what she was doing. We carried Serin out into the corridor and kept on moving up the slope. Before we had reached the corridor, I could see the roots giving way one after another, now Lillia was no longer there to keep them regenerating. Just as we reached the bend, I saw the ogre break free of its restraints and start lurching toward Altria. She was still glued to the spot preparing her attack.

We continued moving, now unable to see what was happening in the chamber any longer. Neither of us said a word as we moved, we both knew this was a life and death situation. We had maybe moved another five meters when there was the sound of an almighty crash coming from the chamber we had just left. Dust blew down the corridor almost blinding me, but I could just about make out the roof of the hallway starting to collapse behind us and no sign of Altria. The dust soon became too thick to see anything, then the crashing sound stopped. Thinking we were safe from being crushed for now we stopped and gently placed Serin down on the ground.

"Altria!" Lillia screamed out.

There was no reply and all I could make out down the corridor was a thick dust and the occasional outline of a large rock lying on the floor.

"That idiot…" Lillia said almost sobbing.

She turned her attention to the still unconscious Serin and started checking over her wounds. I said nothing, just staring in shock at the dust filled corridor. Then I noticed something, something was moving in the dust. As it moved closer, I started to make out a familiar silhouette. They reached the edge of the dust cloud and collapsed on the floor. I quickly checked her over, Altria miraculously seemed to be unhurt, just whatever technique or spell she had used had completely drained her to point of collapse. It was amazing that she had even made it to us. I pulled two vials from my pouch a mana and stamina potion and tilting her head poured them down her throat one after the other. I waited nervously for a moment, then she opened her eyes.

"Thanks Theo." She said it like I\'d just made her a cup of tea.

"You really had me worried."

"Theo, I need you here." Lillia called from behind where she was sat with Serin.

"What is it?"

"You\'ll have to heal her. It\'s going to be a while before I can use any magic."

"Is that going to be okay?"

"It will heal her, that\'s all that matters. We need to hurry, there\'s no way the others down the other corridor didn\'t hear that crash.


I held my hands over Serin\'s body and activated "special heal". At first, I couldn\'t see anything happening, but even I could tell that her injuries were internal. All I could do was keep up the technique and hope she regained consciousness. After a while the colour started to return to her face and her fingers started to twitch a little. It was working. More colour returned to her face, her body started to writhe a little and she started to murmur in her sleep. She was now fully blushed. Eventually her eyes opened.

"Oh Theo." She said sitting up and embracing me and heavily kissing me.

I turned off the technique, now really wasn\'t the time, but Serin continued kissing away. I didn\'t really want to stop her, and I was really happy she was awake but…

"Ahem!" Lillia coughed loudly.

"Oh sorry." Serin apologised now getting a hold of herself.

"I\'m glad to see you\'re okay." Lillia told her.

"What happened?" Serin asked.

"The ogre threw you halfway across the room and into a wall. You\'re lucky to be alive." Explained Lillia.

"What about her?" Serin said meaning Altria.

Altria had now regained herself a little after taking the potions and was now sat up against the wall, but she was coated from head to toe in a thick dark grey dust.

"I brought the ceiling down on that thing. It got a bit messy."


Serin looked back down the corridor and surveyed the destruction Altria had wrought.

"Is it Dead?" I asked.

"Probably, at the very least it\'s buried under several tons of rocks. If it\'s still alive, it won\'t be for long."

"That\'s one tough monster. How the hell did it survive Serin\'s attack? She must have at least skewered it\'s brain and heart!"

"Cave ogres have incredible regenerative powers. On top of that, they have five hearts, you need to destroy the brain and each of the hearts in quick succession to stop them from regenerating. I wasn\'t quick enough." Explained Serin.

"What was something that strong doing inside a goblin cave?"

"I have no idea. It\'s highly unusual." Answered Lillia.

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