The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 285 - Volume 3 Chapter 95 Exactly what one wants

Since they used this method, the casualties have greatly reduced. Although occasionally one or two secret traps would be triggered by the main team, more of them were directly triggered by the cannon fodder team.

The cannon fodder squads were all low-rank superhumans and the number in each squad was small. Even if there were casualties, it was not a big loss for the Twelve Survivor Base Alliance.

Shao Qing’s gaze gradually became cold. She couldn’t understand the opponent’s tactics. This tactic was very useful, but also very cruel.

She was not a good person, but she really wouldn’t be able to sacrifice some people to save others like this. This is probably an important reason why she couldn’t engage in politics.

“Prepare for the first echelon.” Shao Qing waved her hand coldly. The first echelon was dominated by earth-type, fire-type, and water-type superhumans, mixed with a small amount of wood-type superhumans.

As we all know, earth-type superhumans are the most suitable for defense. Most of the earth-type superhumans also advanced towards this direction. Moreover, their individual physiques were very powerful, and their cooperative abilities were even better.

Shao Qing gave an order, then the earth-type superhumans moved first. They touched the ground one after another, using their hands or feet.

Since the advancement from the beginning of the end of the world, people with earth-based powers didn’t need to touch the ground to use their powers anymore. However, being close to the ground will indeed give people with earth-based powers even greater gains.

Once they were close to the ground, it indicated they were going all out.

At this time, the first echelon of the Twelve Survivor Base Alliance also officially arrived under the Jiangcheng city wall. Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, the foot of the first echelon team suddenly became empty.

What is the concept of being empty? There were nearly a thousand people in the first echelon, and the land under their feet instantly sank into a big pit. The pit was a hundred meters deep and its width could not be measured with the eyes.

At the moment it dropped, countless vines came out of the ground. Some bound their hands, feet, and body, while some spewed out poisonous mist and venom. No matter what, they had only one goal, that is, to drag the people down.

Some people finally got rid of the plants, but when they raised their heads, countless fireballs fell down instantly and only screams could be heard.

There might be some water type superhumans in this pit, but it was useless. There were too many fireballs falling down. Water could put out fire, but if the fire reaches a certain amount, it can also boil the water into steam.

After the fireballs fell one after another, a waterfall-like water flow followed. After the water quickly flowed into the big pit, Gu Chuan raised his hand and froze everything. Only a piece of ice remained where the people were standing densely.

If you look closely at the distorted postures, one could see their moment of struggle.

Some people who were relatively close shuddered for a moment, then they couldn’t help but back off. They had never felt what it was like to use superpowers as an army and this time they finally felt it.

The unified action and the cooperation of various superhumans were so terrifying.

“Keep going!”

The commander took a small horn and shouted hoarsely behind. They had no way to go back. They had to keep pushing forward. Either Jiangcheng was destroyed or they were destroyed. The delusion of peacefully solving this matter could only be sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

The superhumans on both sides finally had their first head-on confrontation. This confrontation, after a stalemate for a long time, both suffered and retreated.

It is said that they both suffered, but that was not completely accurate. This was because the Twelve Survivor Base Alliance lost nearly two thousand superhumans in this battle. Although the low-rank superhumans were the main loss, quite a few high rank superhumans also died.

On Shao Qing’s side, since they had the city wall and other aspects, the loss was relatively small though she also lost hundreds of people. Moreover, Jiangcheng’s numbers were already small. So the loss of one was distressing, let alone hundreds.

After the battle, people from both sides were sent to drag the corpses back. On the side of the Twelve Survivor Base, who knows how they will deal with it but Shao Qing’s side was definitely going to bury them to let them rest in peace.

In order to prevent the corpses from decaying in the soil, resulting in plagues, or being eaten by zombies, all corpses must be cremated.

In the north of Jiangcheng, a cemetery for martyrs was built. After cremation, these corpses would be transported to the cemetery for burial.

Shao Qing had stated that they were all heroes of Jiangcheng and were qualified to receive the highest respect.

When the corpses were collected, everyone was very sad. They were very familiar with these corpses. They used to drink, sing, and joke with each other, but now they have all fallen asleep forever.

Some people had lost their husbands, daughters, sons, fathers, mothers, and sisters.

The scene was tragic, but no one was crying.

Everyone had tenacity, grief, and hatred in their eyes. When the corpses were cremated, Shao Qing stood there the entire time. She stayed until all the corpses were cremated and sent for burial.

“We will remember them all.” Shao Bai held back for a long time before stifling a comment that was probably to comfort. Shao Qing twitched her mouth stiffly. She always knew that war would kill people and she personally killed many people.

But killing people was different from watching people you know die in batches. One person’s power cannot change a large-scale war, no matter how strong the person is.

Just like Shao Qing, she was already an eighth-rank superhuman, but she still can’t change much. When these people die, she can only watch.

As a superhuman with the highest power, Shao Qing was like a heavy weapon. It cannot be used easily, and acted more as a deterrent.

Once she takes action, it means that the war has entered the climax or the end.

“City Lord, you don’t have to be sad. They sacrificed themselves to defend their home. Everyone will remember them. They died without regret.” A woman in charge of transporting corpses said with red eyes.

She had just bid farewell to her husband, then watched her husband burn into a handful of ashes to be buried in the martyrs’ cemetery. In Jiangcheng, no one was afraid of sacrifice. Everyone knew that even if they all died, as long as Jiangcheng had one person alive, they would protect their family members.

And if Jiangcheng was lost, then it was truly over.

As long as Jiangcheng still exists, the people they care about will live well.

So everyone had no worries, they were not afraid of death, but afraid of losing. Shao Qing understands this truth, she just couldn’t react for a while. Trying to suppress the sadness in her heart, Shao Qing took Shao Bai to see the wounded.

With her and Shao Bai, the wounded will recover quickly. Even if they were seriously injured, they could stand up and walk the next day.

This is also one of their strengths. The other party certainly does not have great medical staff like theirs, so their combat effectiveness will only continue to decline sharply. Prolonging the fight is Shao Qing’s only choice.

That night, there was no sneak attack. Early the next morning, Shao Qing woke up early, and moved around for the fortifications. After confirming that there was no problem, she waited for the next encounter.

As a result, she didn’t expect that at about nine o’clock, Shao Qing received news from Mu Lianchun and also received the letter of war from the other side.

Shao Qing first opened the letter of war and looked at it. There were a lot of messy words in it. The most important thing was summed up in two sentences. The first sentence was that they wanted to have a life-and-death match with Shao Qing. This meant a fixed number of people would be called. If you fight, one will have to die. They will use their higher rank fighters to decide the result.

The second sentence pointed out that it doesn’t matter if they agree or not. Either way it will be a life and death struggle. They had more people anyways, even if there is no way to conquer Jiangcheng, they will make sure they suffer and lose a lot.

Shao Qing laughed after seeing it. Who would believe their nonsense?

They clearly felt that there were more high-rank superhumans on their side than Jiangcheng, and they were ready to kill the high-ranks of Jiangcheng. It would be ideal to kill Shao Qing. When the dragons have no leader, it would be easy to break Jiangcheng.

After reading it, Shao Qing opened the gift sent by Mu Lianchun. As expected, Mu Lianchun said in the letter that they were planning to kill some of Jiangcheng’s high-ranking superhumans first. The best result would be to get Shao Qing to come out to fight and kill her. This war was the deciding battle to victory.

For now, the most advantageous thing for Jiangcheng was to stick to their delay tactic.

After reading the letter several times, Shao Qing called all her people over and showed them the two letters. All of them accepted the plan.

For one thing, they didn’t want the citizens of Jiangcheng to suffer any more losses.

Secondly, they had confidence in themselves.

Third, and the most critical point, this thing would help delay the time and it happens to be beneficial to their plan.

Mulin couldn’t help but smile: “Are the high-ranking guys on the opposite side monkeys? I might even suspect that their high-ranking guys are our spies, or else why would they always think for us.”

“Not necessarily. Maybe they feel that they will win, you know, there is also a Mr. Qiu who is unknown in strength.” Shao Qing said lightly.

From the perspective of his past behavior, Mr. Qiu was a very deep person. Since the opposite party sent such a letter, they must have their intentions.

If they take it too lightly, they might fall into the other side’s tricks.

“You go discuss first on who will be the first to fight at that time.” Shao Qing waved and dismissed all her people, then began to sit down and write the written acknowledgement.

No matter what kind of conspiracy the other party was hiding, since they had made their move, she would receive it. Isn’t it a fight? The thing in life she never feared was a fight.

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