The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 361

“What is it?” she stumbled to a stand and shuffled about. The clean office was a little slippery, especially for one who had yet to sleep.

“It’s this,” he pointed, “-Easel Run Gard. The general from the Western Army; I thought that he was killed in the revolution?”

“Now that you mention it,” she paused with fingers to her chin, “-we did receive an order for weapons of about a full-platoon.”

“Has it been sent?”

“No, the payment is yet to arrive. We’re waiting for the bank transfer, why, is something the matter?”

“Most definite,” he stood sharply, “-have them ready the jet, I’m leaving for Easel Run Gard this instant.”


“Sure...” she hesitated, “-what about going to Arda, are you not longing to see home. It’s been more than a year since the last visit. I’m sure people wish to see their king.”

“Is that so,” he stared out the window, “-if they waited one year, I suppose another month or two shouldn’t matter. Besides, the Queen should be fine.”

“Why the urgency all of a sudden, are you to tell me that Phantom will cancel the transaction?” she asked in an overly dramatic tone.

“No, Phantom won’t back down from the offer. We’re an arm’s trader, the neutral party. Nevertheless, I have a duty to keep an eye for the young prince. There’s the foul scent of revolt brewing, I must leave right away.”

“As you wish,” she smiled, “-suppose things never change, do they?” stood in relief, she washed as the figure left the room. The air turned lighter; the atmosphere less tense. ‘There’s no denying Boss’s presence,’ she stepped to peer outside. ‘Phantom’s grown so much, all thanks to his efforts. Fighting a war, leading a company, protecting a family, the pressure had made him so much stronger. People can tell from a glance that he’s not to be trifled with. The never-aging pretty face, Blood-King, may thy mission end in success.’

The elevator opened to the reception of which hosted stairs onto the upper floors. People in suit walked, businessmen, and women from all over the globe. Each step taken caught their attention, most glanced away. Uninterested, he walked to the front door where a luxurious car waited. Inside, they drove to the airfield farther down.

“Boss,” said an attendant, “-over here,” the door opened with a jet-readied to take off. Lines of golden paint went across the black-body. The engines were those made by Phantom’s research group. A jet produced by his company. Walked onto the carpeted stairs leading into the leathery interior, the engine started with a calm sound. They were soon to have air, smooth as breathing.

‘The remnants of the civil war in Easel Run Gard. The general should be dead, where in the world did he procure that amount of money? As far as I know, their coffers aren’t that big to allow for such a purchase. Even if a resistance group were to take over the capital city, there’s no way they’d be able to get away,’ the jet name V12 flew, and made strides to the continent. Messages were exchanged between Queen Gallienne who was yet to end her celebrations. As for Arda, a rather heated message from Serene made its way onto the phone. Breathing a chuckle at how absurd her demands were, the plane flew. Lizzie, on the other hand, was taken by Rosetta who waited at the office. There was no need for word as responsibilities were known to both parties

Dusk turned to night, the sun vanished and the moon shone. The jet arrived on the continent. A smooth landing later, he got off with no particular interest. The pilot was ordered to remain on standby. The airstrip was but a piece of land on a flat hill. A small hangar and building owned by Godfather Renaud. *Click,* pulling the chains of a closed garage, ‘-it’s still here,’ he smiled. Pitch dark, a flick had the lightbulb on. A rug rested over the outline of a bike. Black turned grey from the dust, ‘-can’t believe Cake’s indulgence came in handy.’ He referred to the time where Cake spent a fortune on a bike that couldn’t be ridden in Hidros. There were places but it wasn’t as much fun. To counter the problem, she decided to take it to Easel and build a race-track off to the mountainside. An area for entertainment and relaxation. The workers of Phantom needed time-off, thus, the private race-track was soon to accommodate a hotel with access to the beach. A press toggled the engine, it roared the same as Void. Helmet on, he bolted down the side and onto the road. Taking a few twists and turns, he headed Northwest inside the Eastern continent. Empty, the scenery was but a fleeting moment of unnamed figures. Beach to forests, the drive continued late in the night.

*Flash,* came reflection from the sun against the mirrors onto the helmet. The drive took the entire night for roads were difficult to move about especially off the main road. Forest and hills to a sudden opening leading down close to a river. Melancholic mountains rose over the horizon, the peak shrouded by clouds in front of which laid the capital-city Lesbo. No particular uniqueness apart from the Green-colored palace atop a tiny hill. Staxius clutched forth and sped faster. The combination of sunrise and speed felt as if the birth of heaven, idyllic, and devoid of stress.

‘Here we are,’ he pulled to a stop near the gates.

“Who stands there, do you know not that tis the residence of royalty, commoners aren’t allowed unless given a formal letter,” said a guard with a rifle.

“Don’t you know who I am?”

“Sir, I don’t have time to entertain curious visitors. The palace is tense as is, please, make a U-turn, else we might use force,” courteously and understanding, the guard spoke kindly.

“Will this suffice,” white hair ending in crimson fell as he pulled the helmet, “-I’ve come to see his highness.”

“Majesty the king of Arda,” startled, the mind was left empty, “-e-e...”

“Do report my arrival for it was rather abrupt.”

“U-understood,” off ran the guard.

‘Now then,’ the eyes lit with a crimson-flame. The All-seeing eye toggled, ‘-everything looks normal,’ he thought and scanned the area. “There you are,” he mumbled with a breath, “-the General has been hiding as a spy all along.”

Inside, the calmness changed as swift as tides. Waves of catastrophe crashed as a man ran up to the Prince with a gun, “-DON’T MOVE.”

“What is it you want?” replied the Prince unbothered by the gun.

“Why are you not scared?” asked him who held the trigger.

“There’s been countless assassination attempts on my life, there comes a point where a man grows out the fear. What’s the demand this time, are you here to take my life or my wife?”

“Ahh, Prince Easel Run the III, it sure has been a long time,” approached a blading man with no particularities.

“Do I know you?”

“I’m offended that you’d not recognize a loyal follower,” the face reverted, “-tis I, Miller.”

“Did you not die?” returned the prince.

“I did die,” he laughed, “-but then, an angel came to me with a message. It said to do what was needed to kill you and in exchange, I’ll be granted power. However, I don’t plan on killing thee just yet. I’m going to take control of the army and take what is ours.”

“Seriously?” sighed the Prince, “-are you going to take over the army. What’s the basis, if thou think I can be bullied into surrender, then dream again. The Kingdom is united by our bond,” he locked fingers with the princess, “-do what you wish, Miller, Easel Run Gard has been linked for the ages to come.”

“Linked,” laughed Miller, “-if the marriage was all it needed to have peace, I suppose the world wouldn’t have been in such a place now, would it.”

“I suppose you’re right,” footsteps echoed, “-if the bonds of two people sufficed to have world peace, then, there would not be any reason to have weapons.”

“Who are you?” turned Miller with a frown, “-interrupting my soliloquy was a bit rude.”

“Let me guess, you’re going to blame the world and unfairness which brought you to the conclusion of asserting dominance over others to have what you want?”


“Please,” *snap,* he walked without stopping. The General and he who held the prince hostage died without a second to blink. *Blood-Arts: Extria.* The ability to control the blood of any living being in a radius of 25 meters and less. The range depended on the vampire’s strength. Extria was one of the skills acquired after years of training. One that awakened one day as if a dream.

“Disgusting,” said the Prince, “-King of Arda, please, do be mindful of the floor.” Tan skinned, light-brown hair, the face of a child, the heart of a mother, the charm of a seducer, and the courage of a hunter, tis was Prince Easel Run the III. A boy who came to rule at a young age, and at a young age he had to fight alone and survive. Many of his brothers were killed, a battle for the throne, a battle he won in the end. It was he, after being used as a puppet, to marry the Princess. The rest is history.

“Stoic as always,” replied Staxius with a smile at the Princess who stared the bloodied mess.

“Heartless as always,” replied the Prince.

“Don’t you get an attitude with me,” from formal, the guard dropped to informal.

“Oh please,” he rolled his eyes with a pull of the tongue.

“Come here you little brat,” after which, the prince was put in a head-lock, one friendly and in good faith.

“S-stop,” he begged with belly laughter, “-what brings you here?” a few sniffled followed.

“Something piqued my interest, and here’s my visit.”

“I’m grateful for thy gut feeling, big brother, it’s saved me plenty of o’ time.”

“Don’t mention it,” smiled Staxius who patted the prince, “-be more careful from now on. The war might have ended but the threat still looms.”

“I know, I know. Since you’re here, stay for dinner. You’ll be leaving later tomorrow right, Arda awaits.”

“What is it with people and Arda these days, it’s the fifth time that someone told me to go back. Am I that bad an influence.”

“It’s not that,” laughed the boy, “-I’ll tell you since you’re big bro. Queen Gallienne and Queen Shanna have organized a festival in your name. I hear it’s going to be super-fun. There will be people from all over the globe. I heard that even Prince Ernis of the Wracia empire will attend.”

“Prince Ernis you say,” a pause with the gaze wandering upwards, “-will that not go against the will of the Emperor. A festival in my name, what in the world are they thinking about.”

“Hear this,” he interjected joyfully, “-there are rumors that your son-in-law, will be attending.”

“You’re kidding me,” he sighed with the eyes wide open, “-are you serious, he’s coming. Give me a break,” the last words felt the same of a child refusing to do homework.

“It’s rumored.”

“What about you, Easel, are you coming?”

“Yeah, everyone from the Argashield Federation is coming.”

“I suppose I should leave now then.”

“I knew you’d see it my way,” smiled the Prince, “-I’ll be there soon, wait for me.” Staxius stepped out with the signature wave. ‘A festival in my name. What’s this all of a sudden. Why now, what’s the point. Now that I think of it,’ the bike roared, ‘-the last five years was more than tiring. Things happened and I never got time to fully comprehend

Those around me. I was so focused on winning that I forgot what was precious. Wait, what even is precious to me now?’ he shot down the hill, ‘-My best friend and companions died. What’s the point, it’s all useless – I’m tired.’

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