The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 594

In the confusion of footsteps, Gophy escaped to be backed against a wall. Formidable foes stood before her, a few guards and a pair of twins. The real crest of Lucifer was engraved onto the neck in bold red. No armor, one held a book whilst the other held a staff.

“Princess Eira,” said one, “-Is this truly the place where will find the enemy?”

“Yes, that is true,” she sat atop a golden chair, “-if I’ve played my cards right, the one most dangerous to the Empire should step right through those doors. Wallen,” glaring the chubby man, “-that’s enough pretending. Unhand the girl and change into better-looking clothes.”

“As you wish, Saint Princess Eira,” he retreated into a back room.

“Highness,” bowed Ahira, “-why must we scheme so heavily to bring a single man onto our step?”

“No need to worry,” her lips playfully grinned, “-tis precautions before going against the kindling of the strongest foe to ever walk the earth, a man I once revered and called father.” The large room decorated with chandeliers, expensive curtains, intricately crafted pillars, and a pretentious throne. Wallen, the supposed lord, returned in a priest’s outfit as well as the word of god in his hand.


“Highness, what should we do of the girl?” asked one of the twins.

“I’m getting bored,” cried the other. Green hair, oval-shaped face, beady eyes, and expression of extreme boredom. The only difference was the attire, “-Joln and Poln, leave her be.”

“Yes highness,” a tongue pulled out to mock the prisoner, “-bahh, we won’t have fun,” childish skips led to the princess’s side.

‘Igna, this is bad. It’s a trap, those twins have the curse of eternal life. They must be the real inquisitors. The ringleader, Eira Haggard, is the true threat here. The Librarian of Nexsolium, her powers are unchallenged. Her rank is close to a mid-tier goddess. Damn it, Qhildir, your heir is far too powerful.’

“You,” called Eira, “-come over here, I promise the guards will not attack.” Her hand raised to say, ‘-stand down.’

At the foot of the throne, “-who are you?” asked she with much interest.

“Someone of lesser importance,” replied Gophy, “-I’m but a girl rescued by the adventurer named Kinless. He said to repay the favor in playing the part of a victim.”

“I see,” her long lases shut in thought, “-sounds very much like him. I’m glad I escaped my mother’s ignorant self. She’s nothing but a shell of a woman. Not that it matters, today’s the day I kill him once again,” a burst of ire flooded the hall.

“Is that everyone?”

“Yes, we’re all the servants in employment,” returned the maid.

“Head on back, someone must know how to drive. Take the truck and leave.”

“Yes, sire.”

Looking upon the carpeted steps, ‘-a familiar presence. A trap, we’ve been cornered. Regardless,’ countless bodies left in his wake, ‘-my job is to capture this manor and the neighboring land.’

“Highness, I apologize for the man’s tardiness. I’m sure I asked the maids to fetch him earlier,” added Loden.

“Worry not,” said she, “-patience is a virtue of which I possess. Let him be.”

‘Where are you...’ *Clop, clop, clop,* hot knife to butter, a distinct intent of malice climbed on till the hall, ire against the malice, a pair of boiling crimson eyes ambled nonchalantly. Instinct cried to say, ‘-retreat.’ The guardians of her majesty spawned after greenish mist. Two inquisitors, the royal guards assigned to the princess’s protection, knights from the Empire blessed with demon-slaying prowess, and ultimately, the leader, Saint princess of Arda.

“Sure took your time, didn’t you,” pouted Gophy.

“Sorry, my goddess,” he bowed, “-please, head on back,” *snap,* reality slit into a vortex. “-I’ll get the others ready,” said she, “-remember what I said, we’re friends. Just say the word, and we’ll come rushing,” a gentle tap onto the strained shoulders resettled the tension.

*Switching to battle-mode,* commented éclair.

‘It won’t work,’ interjected Igna, ‘-battle mode will not work against them. Their aura’s disturbing the lens. Return it to normal and be on standby. Have the fighter jet make way to Arda and circle the vicinity. I’m sure enemy forces are lingering around.’

‘Which jet?’

‘The one made especially for utter destruction.’

‘I like it,’ he cheered, ‘-will do.’

Stopped a good distance away, “-dear cousin,” said he in a rather strange manner, “-what brings you to a place like this?”

“Igna,” the words spawn from the top befell onto her foe’s face in a patronizing manner. Her sense of superiority was well-grounded, “-it would seem my plan has worked.”

“Plan?” an eyebrow rose, “-care to explain?”

“Sure,” she climbed on down with elegance, “-the kidnapping, the lord, and the sadistic rumors were a ploy. Since Julius disappeared from Rotherham, I knew you were up to something. Then the report of a few soldiers going missing reached the capital. I knew the precautionary measures had worked. The fort was an elaborate alarm system. The abductions and ruthless demands were to draw out the nightwalkers. The thought never crossed your mind, I’m sure. The village of Oda’s direct vassal to me, the populous are indebted for their protection. Lady Aoi’s actually my attendant from before the war, she was a member of the court. Ect and Hect, quite the show of strength. Too bad the troops were captives from the Empire’s other conquests. King Lucifer is a far superior strategist and man than you’ll ever be, Igna. All that happened was part of a greater scheme.”

“What about the queen, what’s her role in this ploy?”

“Your composure,” she leaned, “-it’s annoying,” a step back, “-she’s got nothing to do with it. Her role was fulfilled the moment she bore her father’s child. Once the offspring is born, the god slayer shall be revived, and with it, we shall take to the heavenly realm and retake Elysium.”

“Good,” a pertinent smirk went from ear to ear, “-a masterful scheme.”

“What’s wrong with you?” she frowned, “-does the severity of this situation not bother you in the least. Let me guess, planning to fight and use brute force,” a book summoned to levitate atop her palm, “-the way things are, I’m stronger than a mere human. The body of a divine can never be hurt, either one has the boon of divinity or is born a god slayer, no exception.”

‘Outmatched both in wit and strength, such a hefty conundrum. Eira’s chosen to become my enemy. She’s already surpassed my body’s limits and schemed me into a corner. The signs were obvious, Aoi knew a bit too much, the reluctance in the fort guards, meaningless use of lust and power to scare villagers. Oda village being protected from the ravages of war. Then there’s Glenda, the nonchalant guards, they were spies. My actions were monitored from the start. I guess they didn’t recognize Gophy as her appearance changed. The cottage probably has nothing to do with her plan. Makes sense now, why would dealers in demi-humans so willingly accept my story. I was careless, I didn’t account for someone working as an insider.’

“Igna, dear cousin,” said she smugly, “-you’re weak and a fool. Killings the only thing you’re good for. I’m an idiot to ever look up to someone like Staxius Haggard. The man was nothing but a brute-forcing killer. All he did never had a purpose; here I was under the impression the man to be the smartest of the century. Looking back onto the schemes he had, one thing remains true, he was weak, unlike Lucifer. Killing you once made me realize, the goal of surpassing such a fiend would never serve to better myself. Look at me now, once I let go of my humanity, I was able to become strong, truly strong,” a tear dropped, “-then why, why do I feel so bad, I’ve surpassed you, and still,” head to his chest,”-why am I so miserable?”

“Simple,” said he in a gentle tone, “-it because we’re enemies.”

“Get your hand off me,” she slapped the intent of help, “-I don’t need encouragement from someone weak.”

“Eira,” strong and deep, “-I’m proud of what you’ve become. My fear of the past has become a reality, the choice was made. Nothing will ever sway my heart, you, the little babe I found on the river, have grown into a strong woman. Go, free thineself from my shackles, Librarian of Nexsolium.” In those words, her reserved nature found solace, the onlookers watched not knowing the implications, “-Eira, tis time we have a rematch,” he jumped back with hands in his pockets.

“My lady,” voiced one of the knights, “-don’t let his words fool you. Let us, your subordinates fight instead.”

“It wouldn’t be fair for me to fight,” said she, “-if you can’t beat them, what the point of fighting me.”

“You,” six guards in heavy armor slowly moved to block off escape, “-there’s no point in retreating. This fight is over and done with, we’re the knights of the empire, our swords shall speak for itself.” Drawn, they coordinated strike after strike. Downward, upward, diagonal, none mattered as he nimbly dodged each attack.

“Enough is enough,” yelled the bigger man, “-I’ll end this,” the longsword rose on to touch a reddish light, *Martial-Arts: Heavenly Strike.* “-yahhhh.”

*Poof,* the floor cracked, the air rattled into a mist, “-are you the best the empire has to offer?” it cleared. “How very unfortunate,” he stopped the blade with a single hand, *crack,* an exertion of strength and it shattered. “Princess Eira, call off the knights. They’re too weak.”

“NO, MY LADY DON’T-” *Smack,* blood splattered like confetti, “-humans are weak,” the mist of blood absorbed into the ever-shining halo. “-I’ve changed my mind,” a gust blew in from the center, multiple bodies were sent crashing against the walls. *Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary.* Poor folks unknown to the ravages of war hurled at the gruesome sight. “Who is he?” inquired Wallen.

“A threat to the Empire,” returned Eira. “-my loyal guards, escort the bystanders to someplace far. The little display proves one thing, the bloodlust is true. If left unchecked, the more a nightwalker kills, the fiercer he gets. Go, this is an order from thy princess.”

“Cousin Eira,” said he without much reservations, “-I forgot to mention one thing. No matter how great a scheme is, no matter who’s behind the trap, the one who adapts accordingly will always win. Joln and Poln was it now? Blessed with the boon of immortality,” the hands moved to Orenmir’s handle, “-a god can be killed quite easily. The Sickle of Kronos is the perfect example of a god-slaying weapon.”

“And, what does that matter to us?” she gritted, “-the inquisitors are enough to kill you.”

“Surely,” he laughed, “-have you forgotten who I am. Librarian of Nexsolium, remember, it took the power of a Prince of Hell, the Supreme God, and the God of Philosophy to kill me, then again, what does it say, I was reincarnated and the symbols of power were gone forever. I won despite the odds, and I’ll do the same today.”

“ATTACK!” she yelled.

“On it, highness,” book in hand, “-Lord, please bless us with the power to defy reality itself, bless us by the divine ray of retribution, those who refuse shall pay, and those who pay shall die by the hand of what is right,” the incantation by Joln transferred over to Poln’s staff. It amplified with a secondary incantation, “-I, wielder of the staff of Mznia, call on thee in my time of aid!” Pointed at Igna, “-FACE OUR WRATH!”

“It’s true that no being can ever kill a god without special abilities. The reason I mentioned the sickle is simple,” the blade slowly skimmed out the sheath, “-the countless souls I’ve killed include demons and angels,” *Blood-Arts: Orenmir, Blood-Blade of the Queen,* the halo crumbled to flow down his arms and fully materialize. A beam of tremendous power instantly darted across to the target.

*Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from when thee were born until thee die, I, Igna Haggard, wielder of the Symbol of death, hold in mine hands the strings of which binds thee to reality, by my authority, I order said chain to be severed: Tactus Interitus.*

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