The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 681

One on his hands and knees, while the other before the restored manor, the discrepancies of such a power struggle would have made a child know when to back down. Then again, the wisest are often the dumbest in a weird paradoxical manner.

*Skills acquired over the ages, transfer to my guardian Spirit, Vengeance, for he is to become the next God Slayer.* A flash of red broke through the attacker’s eyes, the sockets emptied and the mouth widened, a liquidy substance flowed outwards, the body-contoured strangely. It began to chant ancient words and sentences; the now fully blackened eye sockets bore its fury to Igna.

“Disgusting,” he said, *Become a somewhat eye-catching person.*

“What have you done!” it cried.

“Given you a better-looking visage and body,” he sneered, “-come on then entity of the underworld. Why not head on home and tear thyself apart, I don’t care much for the words of weaklings, isn’t that what thee said?”



*You shall not speak unless I give the order,* before insults formulated, the inches the words crossed to the tip of the mouth, an order to remain silent nearly bit its tongue. The mangled mess of broken bones whimpered at the jarring pain, *Be healed and begone.*

A whiff of neatly cut grass had the mind at ease. ‘I’ve protected éclair’s yard,’ he humbly waited on the stone path, ‘-his kindness will be repaid in full.’ Another gust of wind carried droplets of blood, most of which landed on the stone tablets, “-Master, I’ve returned.”

“Vengeance, how was the mission?”

“I have captured the leader, he’s currently inside the dungeon.”

“We have a dungeon?” the intonation comically wondered.

“Yes my lord, every vampiric castle needs a good dungeon,” returned a sloppy jest.

“True,” he smiled, “-how very quaint, I shall take to the dungeon soon enough. What of the remaining insurgents?”

“They’ve been killed or worse, my lord.”

“Did you utilize Ombres?”

“No my lord, the weaklings didn’t deserve such treatment. Overestimating their strength will reflect badly on thee.”

“Since you returned swiftly, I’ll allow the little transgression. Next time, don’t be so reckless, use help if needed.”

“Sire, there won’t be the next time,” he smirked, “-as your spirit guardian, I was bestowed with the talents of Absorption, Reproduction, and Perfect imitation. I can absorb, reproduce, and imitate any skill I see fit, the abilities are limited to demi-gods and lower demons. The stronger I get, the higher the authority will climb. I’m very grateful for said gifts. I forgot to mention, Magic Reflection.”

“Very overpowered,” he commented, “-I’ll count on thee to grow stronger. You’ve yet to inherit the powers to harm a god. Fret not, we mustn’t be too belligerent, the day will come when the title of God Slayer is inherited by another personage. From what I see,” he walked over and took his hand, “-tis the insignia of Scifer.”

“Is that what it is?”

“Yes, and I imagine you’re rather perplexed. Enough work for today, head on back. I’ve matters to attend to.” Once more, the enclosed space couldn’t be trespassed into, the unknowing drivers on streets alongside the hill were teleported one place to the other in a way to bypass the realm. The remaining reaction was of shock and joy, latter due to the windy nature of the roads.

‘I didn’t expect to have a dungeon,’ he faced the manor sternly.

*Walls, thicken,* the surrounding barrier reinforced. *AFR controlled anti-air weapons, summon in a tube under the soil,* and thus occurred. *AFR-controlled mini-guns, be stationed at the gates and around the property in a docile manner.* Heavily armed weapons moved automatically. *A portable anti-missile silo, be summoned at the back of the property.*

‘-Alright,’ he chuckled, ‘-I can really affect reality. The moment Mantia is dispelled, the items will remain – a heavy chunk of my mana’s gone. The items use the elements of magic to be conjured, very convenient since I don’t need to cast spells. Should I maybe have? Ok fine.’ *AFR controlled DD5 X03, materialized atop the mansion.* A threateningly beautiful helicopter, outlined by the sun, stood imminently. ‘-Should be enough for today.’ *Manor, revert to normal, all harm is to be undone.*

‘Got around half of my mana supply left.’ *Conjured from the powers of which rules the law of nature, summoned to aid, mine quest art be left alone. Reality is as I dictate, matters affected in Mantia ought be reflected in the outside world. Realm Retraction Shadow Realm Variant – Rantiam.*

Layers of the barrier cracked and crumbled, the outside sun gleefully snuck through. The changes to effect, the ability to control reality were at the fingertips. The armored vehicles, now toys, were left weightlessly around the gate. Outside in, nothing changed. Reports of gunshots did make the emergency line. On closer inspection, there was nothing to be frightened about.

‘For a dungeon,’ the path took to the backside of the manor, a small hatch opened for a concretely sealed block of a room, ‘-it’s more modern than I thought.’ In it were two rooms, one for the prisoner, a long shaft of at least a few meters, and the control area, located above the cell. The circle shape didn’t allow for needless attempts at escape, the overwhelming whiteness and secluded atmosphere sufficed for insanity. No beds nor chairs were allocated, in this case, blood was smeared onto the walls – Vengeance had a little test beforehand. ‘-The control room has a healing function,’ buttoned pressed, lid slid to reveal showerheads, droplets of potions fell, the injured man healed.

*Tap, tap,* “-mic testing,” the culprit gave a reaction and soon fell silent, “-signal if thee can hear.”

“...” no answer.

“Alright,” he teleported inside, “-you’re in rough shape,” said he with compassion, the culprit, a man in uniform, square-faced and rigid expression, cared not for the overarching sympathy displayed. “-I can’t help if you won’t speak.”

“Who are you?”

“My name’s Igna Haggard, I’m the lord of the manor. What about you?”

“The devil of Glenda...”

“You know of me,” he smiled, “-makes the process even simpler. Tell me anything and everything. Contrary to popular belief, I’m a very kind and patient person. I’ll hear the story out, if you convince me or give sufficient information, I’ll allow thee to escape,” *Snap,* a sealed entrance opened, “-if you don’t want to speak, then take the portal.”

He immediately stood and made for the exit.

“-I wouldn’t be so hasty,” remarked Igna, “-Sergeant Zer D’Loa. I heard the family name of D’Loa’s pretty famous in the world of Alphian politics. This I say, is a very big scandal, to launch such an attack on a weak and feeble manor. I see here you have one wife, two lovely daughters, and an officer who you’ve asked for special favors to allow her easy promotion into the police career path. Looks like her name’s Zulia Konpth. Oh, how very interesting, Konpth is also a reputed family in the military. D’Loa and Konpth, there doesn’t seem to be any reaction from the family name. What about the lovely daughters,” the man gave a subconscious clue, “-there, a family man aren’t you. I understand since I have many children myself,” two chairs manifested, “-how about we take a seat and chat for a little, you know, father to father.” A reluctant step forward later, “-if thee wishes to leave, go ahead. I, for once, won’t safeguard the girl’s identity nor chastity. I have various connections who would enjoy plucking at their helplessness, a member of the police force must know how depraved and immoral the underworld is. There’s almost a market for everything, and they will surely peek as produce.”

“Don’t talk about my daughters in such a vile manner,” he spun and stormed to Igna, they practically butted heads, “-intimidation won’t do much,” rebutted Igna, “-take a seat and we’ll discuss a few things in detail.”

“Fine,” he sat.

*Partial Realm Expansion: Shadow Realm Variant – Rantiam.* the orb hovered to wrap around the sergeant’s throat. *You will speak only the truth, and nothing else.*

“I warn you, I’m not going to divulge information.”

“What’s your name?”

“Zer D’Loa,” said a sudden reply, the cluelessness of his visage was priceless, ‘-what’s happened?’

“What’s your race and gender?”

“Sultrian, and male.”

“How long have you worked in the police force?”

“10 years.”

“What’s your standing with the other higher-ups.”

“Pretty good.”

“How deep is the nepotism of the family?”

“All the way to the rank of Deputy Chief of Melmark.”

“What actually happened today?”

“We were asked to launch a raid at the Haggard estate by the Patek Dynasty.”

“Why would they do so?”

“Don’t know.”

“What were the objectives?”

“To find the stored narcotics, kill the residents, and burn the manor.”

“What of the children?”

“Sent to Tale for the young master to handle.”

“Who was directly involved?”

“No idea.”

“Try again.”

“No idea, the orders came anonymously via messenger.”

“What of the messenger?”

“Killed via a self-inflicted wound.”

“What did the message say?”

“To invade the Haggard estate.”

“When was the invasion decided?”

“A few months ago.”

“Are you or the police force linked to the underworld?”

“Yes, I’m part of the Saku’s family.”

“Why would they attack us?”

“Because of the debt owed to the Patek’s. Luon is to be wiped without a shred of resistance.”

“Do you know anything about Odgar and his paperwork?”

“Odgar was a great detective. He was sadly killed for having known too much.”

“Any idea how?”

“By a drug.”

“Who supplied it?”

“No idea.”


“Who was it that gave the order to kill Odgar?”

“No idea.”

“Who was in charge of the investigation?”

“Detective Anslo.”

“Where is he now?”

“Killed in action a few months back.”

“Are you in any way linked to a scheme in the destruction of the Haggard name?”


“What’s your purpose?”

“To obey orders from the head of the Saku family.”

“What will you do after this?”

“Head back to my family and try to alleviate the situation.”

“Who knows about the drug manufacturing?”

“No one, the assignment was given to my squad.”

“Are your squad in the underworld?”


“Have they assassinated any starlets?”


“Any idea on who would try and kill idols?”

“The Patek’s.”


“Young master.”

‘Should be enough for today.’ *Realm Expansion – Release.*

“What happened?” the mind came too.

“You were unconscious for a little bit,” said Igna, “-go on home, we’re done here.”

“You’re not going to kill me, are you?”

“No, I’ve given my word. Go back and don’t cross my path again.”

“Thank you very much,” he bowed and left, “-if the day comes where I must repay the kindness, please, I shall do whatever is must to appease thy heart, my lord.”

“Yeah, yeah, go on,” the cell felt comforting, ‘-there’s a vague idea about why the attack was launched. Patek’s are involved which means, Cimier see us as a threat, how much money did éclair make with the export alone.’ A check of the bank account rustled his chair, ‘-alright, it explains why they’re so angry. Stocks are low, very astute of him, he’s controlling the supply and demand. Without the former, the grows exponentially, the Saku family must have seen it as ruthless. Doing business with us is a pain I never want to experience.’

The events of the manor attacks were resolved in a pretty mundane fashion. A check on the date showed a long time had elapsed, without details, moving in the dark would be foolish. ‘I thought I would have killed the man after the interrogation,’ the view from the refurbished balcony gave chills, ‘-I have changed quite a bit, the anger I felt when Vanesa and Asmodeus were in danger reawakened my thirst for blood.’

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