The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 701


“We were played,” said she ominously, her mind clicked, a bit of her persona swapped, the cheerful side, magnet for trouble, didn’t speak nor smiled. An empty hollowness spoke from the depth of her mind, “-people died, friends died, everyone’s dead.”

“Hey, get a hold of yourself,” cried Ginka, “-sanity and patience,” said a whisper.

“Why,” asked a curiously childish innocence voice, “-why?”

“Because,” interjected Kinka, “-we’ve seen family die, their blood, their last breath, it’s all encroached in the memories. Once you pull the trigger, there’s no going back. This is the world we choose to become a part of, a dystopia strong-armed by the AHA and military. Even if we wanted to escape, there’s no way out.” Slams against the metal plates resonated, a shiver went up Uonl’s neck, “-he’s waking...”

‘Distant,’ though the events played before her eyes, the mind projected a third person’s view, an elevated scape; Uonl’s fear, Ginka and Kinka’s uncertainty, the shaky support structure, death could come any second, ‘-am I going to die?’ flash images of one being mauled to death cut across her thought, “-help me,” it said, “-help me, don’t stand still.”


‘Go away,’ the images closed the gap, ‘-don’t get any closer,’ her feet physically kicked.

“GET AWAY,” she screamed, “-I’M NOT RESPONSIBLE!”

“Calm down!” cried Ginka holding her shoulders, “-stop, snap out of it,” *smack,* her pale cheeks reddened slowly, the blank stare had a spark of color twirl in the pupils, ‘-what am I doing?’ the field of view returned to blurry, ‘-I saw myself in a pitiful state,’ the images kept on flashing, ‘-be strong, can’t afford to be the weakling here,’ she pulled herself to a stand aided by the wall, “-Ginka, Kinka, I appreciate the help,” she leaned heavily against the wall, “-I’ll heal the wounds,” her palms stretched to form a line around the trio, “-be healed.”

“Don’t strain...”

“Leave her,” interjected Uonl, “-look closely, she’s putting her best effort so we have a fighting chance.”

“He’s right, brother Kinka. The barrier won’t hold strong.”

Meanwhile outside, the dormant Antronla bore its empty eye sockets to the survivors, the ethereal bow pulled, a purple haze wrapped about the arrow’s tip, *-click,* bones cracked, the bow released.

“NOW!” screamed across the empty field, “-Jonl, clean them out.”

“Understood,” he laid atop a rooftop aided by the grapple, ‘-I didn’t train under Kniq for nothing.’ *Art of the marksman, boon from the gods, grant me the foresight into my enemies, bless my humble self with the ability to see and save all; Divine Boon – Precognition,* temporary shadows of where figures objects and anything in between lit the field in a volley of gunfire, “-I’ll take care of the small fries, save them, you guys.”

“Squad 33 will handle the big monster,” to which the wheeled tank dashed forth, “-it has a cool-down period of 30 seconds before the next attack.”

“Got it,” before the approach, “-we have one goal, and tis the rescue of the medics. We’ll gamble on Antronla using its bow, the moment it shoots, we gun it,” down on his feet, *Martial-Arts: Dreal’s fist,* a punch and the door flung across. A horde of turns glared their intent, ‘-just because I stand in the back, doesn’t mean I’m weak,’ he took on various stances, minimal movements, graceful as dormant water and explosive as waves against the shore, ‘-Use your ability for the sake of another. I’ll be very disappointed if I ever see you using what I taught to terrorize others,’ whispered a nostalgic voice, ‘-watch me, master, I finally understand what you meant,’ kicks, punches, grapples, the threatening turned flung outside one by one. The prior first arrow, fast and unseen, missed by a large margin, the responsible, a lady in Squad 33 who took up a spot beside Jonl.

“I’m beat,” she dropped to her knee,”-messing with a boss-level monster is exhausting,” they watched onto the confused behemoth being toyed by skilled driving, “-never knew Meza was a fighter.”

“He’s strong, very strong,” said Jonl, “-he’d make a great adventurer.”

“Aptha, Aptha!”


“IT’S ME,” he screamed down the hall, “-Uonl, it’s me.”

“Meza,” heart to his throat, *gasp,* “-way to scare a grown man.”

“Ginka, Kinka, where’s Aptha.”

“Meza, good to see you.”

“Where’s Aptha?” heavy steps halted immediate of the door frame, “-Aptha, I found you,” he ran to her side, “-Hey, are you ok?”

“Don’t worry about her,” said Uonl, “-she used her last strength to heal us.”

*Ding, ding, ding, ding,* rang simultaneously across the field. Fear flashed across their faces, Antronla firmed and kicked, ‘-no...’ *BAM,* it exploded on impact – the bow reappeared and drew. “-I’m out of bullets,” panted Jonl, “-Hey, hey, we need you,” shaking the lass gave no response, “-Squad 33’s d-d-dead...”

“Run!” screamed Uonl, “-KINKA, GINKA, RUN,” he took Meza by the arms and sprinted; the last words of squad 33 resonated deeply, the walls broke per a shock wave, “-RUN!” they leaped, ‘-Aptha,’ the arms stretched, ‘-l-let m-me s-save her,’ a friendly smile returned on his way down, ‘-don’t worry, it’s my turn to save you,’ mumbled across the parched lips. Reality settled to the normal pace, a flash of white leaped out the building to halt the arrow, *bouf,* “-KINKA, GINKA, LAST ORDERS, TAKE MEZA TO SAFETY, WE NEED HIM ALIVE!” they landed.

“Understood,” Devourers flung from side to side, *Heatwave!* shockwave after shockwave, “-RUN!” he screamed and didn’t defend himself, the turn made for his ribs, legs, arms, and yet, the shockwaves kept on shielding Meza. The white light of before landed in a puddle of blood, “-Aptha,” coughed Uonl, *HEATSHOCK* a sphere of heat charred the remainder, “-you had the blessing of the gods, didn’t you,” no response came. Golden colored hair laid in crimson, the body curled, the arrow ran through her stomach, “-if not for the sacrifice, we’d have all died,” he dropped to her side, “-I swear, vigilantes are undervalued,” head to the floor, consciousness faded. *GRRRR* resounded throughout devastated grounds, the stolen transport laid in a whirlpool of flames; those who fought prior were left dead. A rescue operation turned bloodbath, ‘-I failed, I failed... I failed,’ tears ran down the brother’s cheeks, Uonl’s passage kept on burning despite the lack of consciousness, ‘-Aptha...’ he wept silently, ‘-I-I...’

“Why,” Jonl’s heart throbbed, “-I should have been more careful,” blood ran down the sharp facial features, “-WHY DIDN’T I SEE IT!”

“S-squad 33, d-dead,” whimpers clambered to the side, vultures swarmed the skies, vile and wrapped in a dark miasmic stench – the prey, bodies.

“Master, are you sure it wise to get involved. I thought the moniker of medic sufficed in this mission?”

“What have I always said,” black outline landed before Jonl, “-whims are the best way to live. There’s more to find and discover, legends often say, chosen heroes rise from the rubble of the chaos. Here we stand before true heroes; selfless and humble, they tried hard to rescue the comrades to no avail. The potential for is true, henceforth, I, Igna Haggard, pledge to save those who’ve fought arduously.”

“Why are you here?”

“Jonl, fellow adventurer, I must say, I’m impressed and moved. Such camaraderie needs to be cherished. Besides, I enjoy nothing more than to ruin well-established plots,” *Come forth: Box of Alche,* magazines, and bullets fell, “-new orders, keep an eye on the trio. I’ll clean up this mess.”

“Stop joking...” gritted the lady, “-Squad 33 couldn’t do shit against the beasts and you say you’ll clean the mess, DON’T TAKE US LIGHTLY,” she grabbed his collar, “-THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR NOTHING?”

“Settle down, no need to blow a blood vessel. You’re under Igna Haggard’s protection-”

*Watchers, spectators, names ring high and low, us, unknown to the world’s reality, unknown to the world’s knowledge, have lived in utter solemness for millennia to come and go. Watcher of the Shadow Realm, beckons my might to be fully materialized without prejudice, reality is but my playground, neither god nor demon shall overcome my authority, face me in stride, face me in fear, reality’s what I wish it to be for knowledge is the true strength: Realm Expansion Shadow Realm Variant – Rantiam.*

“-there’s a reason I bare the title of Devil,” *snap,* “-Monsters bearing ill-intent, drop dead,” he stepped off backward, “-Vengeance,” halted inches from the ground, “-go have fun playing with the boss.”

“Shall I hold back?”

“As you would,” returned he confidently, “-the result is complete annihilation, I care not for the means.”

“Right away,” it dashed and rattled Antronla by a fiery punch.

A heavily exhausted Loftha flew in circles around a strange barrier, *-huff, puff,* ‘-what’s this?’ hands on her knee, ‘-someone or something has created a sphere of strange energy. Closer I am, the more anxious I feel...’

‘I might have gone overboard in using Rantiam, Mantia would have been enough. What’s done is done, Origin’s too hyper,’ a smirk led to the ball of docile flames. “Return to normal, the fallen reawake from thy dreams,” the bodies hovered out the vehicle, ‘-there’s only so much I can change. Affecting reality too much might break the flow of time and space. Don’t overstep boundaries,’ hands to the sky, “-souls of the fallen, return to thy place and rest,” the palms clenched, “-injured, be healed,” mortal wounds restored, save the deep cuts and injuries brought by the curse.

‘These two,’ he ambled to Aptha and Uonl, ‘-she’s the one from earlier, the loudmouth. The boon of Healing, the purity in her spirit is frightening. Taking an arrow wasn’t the greatest idea now was it,’ he glanced yonder to where Antronla vanished in a cloud of dust.

“Master, the beast is slain.”

“Good,” he smiled, “-gather those who can be saved, I care not if they’re dead, regret should have bound their souls to the battlefield.”

Two seconds later, “-I found only this one.”

“Honestly,” he facepalmed, “-Vengeance, the lass has no torso, arms and legs were bitten off, how could I save her?”

“Master, you’re plenty strong, reality is what thee dictates. I’m sure the Shadow Realm is strong enough to overturn what has been set in stone.”

“Make it sound so easy,” he sighed, “-I can’t go around changing reality on a whim; I could, there’s no rule saying not; I ought to preserve the status quo. Well, who cares,” he shrugged, “-restore and be healed,” inner organs, bones, muscles, and skin clawed from nothing, “-I thought so,” it halted around her heart, “-the arrow hit her spirit. These two will need treatment, *-Spatial-Arts: Vacuum Sphere.* ‘-done,’ Uonl’s injuries healed to a manageable state. *Mana-Control: Wind Element Variant – Feather Touch,* the wounded hovered to the fully restored vehicle.

*Conjured from the powers of which rules the law of nature, summoned to aid, mine quest art be left alone. Reality is as I dictate, matters affected ought be reflected in the outside world. Realm Retraction Shadow Realm Variant – Rantiam.*

A deep bellowing rumble boomed, ‘-the barrier’s down.’ Gunfire loomed in the distance; a new horde of beasts stood at the mouth of the street.


“Fia, what a pleasant surprise?” unconscious fighters were casually guided inside, “-have you come to aid?”

“What are you doing here?” her face followed the back and forth.

“I came to watch.”

“-To watch?” the expression dulled.

‘Approach,’ said a gesture, “-there’s trouble in the hierarchy. Be on guard, today’s operation seemed to have been a staged genocide. No matter, I’ll heal the survivors. Same again, take credit for defeating the beast.”

“Again?” she sighed.

“Better yet,” moved towards the horde, “-let loose.”

“Don’t tell me twice.”

“What did you do?”

“Jonl and the lady,” said a straight face “-where’s Meza and the brothers?”

“Here,” said Ginka, “-Meza’s a bit out of it.”

“It’s fine,” hopped into the driver’s seat, “-let’s go,” the others followed.

A whole day elapsed, a rescue party was dispatched to no avail, “-Status on Meza?”

“No luck. The masked assassin defeated the boss monster.”

“Wench,” he gnashed momentarily, “-no matter, we did what we came for. I expect the higher ups to be pleased by the outcome – potentially rebellious vigilantes have been culled,” the gates opened for armored SUVs.

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