The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 710

“There they are,” hailed Jonl, the remainder arrived without trouble. A loud gust blew onto the bystanders, regardless, he strongly made it to Team 01 and 02.

“How was the escape?”

“Frightening,” gasped Kinka.

“What about the army, I saw reinforcement make way from the other side?”

“Worry not,” winked Ginka, “-we were saved by a strange entity.”

“I agree,” nodded Meza, “-an ethereal being who vanquished our opponents nonchalantly.”


“Right,” a butler walked into view beside whom stood a maid, “-gather round, people.”

The crowd waited nervously, “-my name’s éclair, I serve the Alchemist known as Igna Haggard. I’m sure the guard is raised and tis fair, I’d have it no other way. The reality of the situation is, we were asked to rescue you from certain death. Comes to no surprise the military had asked for a culling. In response, Lina Holseter, of the Holseter family, pleaded for thy safety. There are multiple jets readied to takeoff – check with the maids for further information. Three flights in bound, Melmark, Hidros, and Dostein. Hidros is for those who wish to escape life in Alphia and start anew. For those critically injured, the trip to Melmark is onward to the hospice, the escort will handle the procedure from thereon. Glad to say, the mission was a success. Congratulations to everyone, luck of retrial and freedom has been bestowed.”

Collective relived glances diffused, the butler made for the evacuation teams.

“Uonl, Froy, and Meza,” he called, “-might I have a word?”

“Sure,” they followed to a somewhat secure location.

“I wish to relay a simple message, a suggestion I dare say. After the battle is concluded, the military will take control of the infected area. There’s nothing to be done – the spy network knows no bound. Sooner or later, hitmen will knock on thy door. This comes from my lord, fly to Hidros and start again. Alphia’s a place of misfortune, long are the days of the land of dreams faded.”

“We run away,” murmured Froy, “-fine.”

“Are you serious?” refuted Uonl, “-what about the others, are you going to run away?”

“I’m running, I don’t care,” he shoved Uonl’s arms aside, “-I’ve had enough of seeing my comrades die. So many of us left to be eaten, not once, NOT EVER, did I think my actions would bring peace.”

“Calm down,” said Meza softly, “-we’ll split into three teams, same as before. Uonl, don’t mistake arrogance with confidence,” he walked to the distraught Froy.

“Shut up,” he grabbed both their arms, “-don’t walk away, I’m not finished talking. I never said I wasn’t coming with. We’re sticking together until the whole situation is resolved.”

“Glad to see an agreement,” added éclair, “-life in Hidros should be easier gained. If working doesn’t pan out, there’s still monster problem – perhaps sign to an independent guild and earn thy way to a sustainable future.”

“We appreciate the kindness,” they broke towards the respective teams. Lines were readied to board the jets, as expected, one bound to Hidros didn’t hold many passengers, not until each team decided to follow the alchemist’s advice.


“What is it, Starix?”

“Problem,” said she in a maid’s outfit, “-the master’s dot has gone offline.”

“Offline!” the outburst didn’t pull attention, “-I apologize,” they shuffled towards a hangar, hidden from the passengers, “-what’s the meaning of gone?”

“I’d tell you if I could, highly suspect death or worse...”

“Death?” a shiver went up their spine, “-what about death?” a zombie-like creature rose from the pits of shadows, “-what about the death...” heels clopped against the polished floor, “-tell me what happened?” the mask returned to her pocket, the faded outline leaped into view.

“Lady Fia, I’m astonished.”

“How did you mask the presence?” fired Starix, “-should I dispose of her?”

“No, no,” he grabbed her fast arms, “-don’t resort to violence,” he pulled between the maid and princess, “-lady Fia, I have a favor to ask. My lord has gone missing from the radar.”

“Didn’t he evacuate?”

“No, I’m sad to say, the operation never stated his departure. He is likely to have conjured doppelgangers to fool the military. I should maybe explain how all were able to escape. The instant he dropped onto the battlefield; the evacuees were shuffled into a premeditated escape path. The vehicles, high-end stealth transport, gemstones of Phantom’s research, evaded detection and made for awaiting helicopters. To the army, a replica of the trucks and passengers traveled at a slower pace. That alone wouldn’t fool them for long – create a loud enough mess to set sights on him. Reinforcement was the perfect bait. A trusted ally jumped in, exterminated the forces, and left; they’d be forced to investigate.”

“Can’t he escape?”

“No, I wasn’t finished. After the destruction, the escapee’s trucks would crash against an incoming armored tank and explode. Fake deaths to fool the combatants.”

“What about Igna?”

“He’s cast a large illusion spell, the amount of mana required to keep the show alive is extraneous.”


“My lady, stop!” interjected Starix, “-heading to a battle zone is unwise, reconsider.”

“I’d rather die,” she took flight and left.

“Why not stop her?”

“Starix, a princess should know about the prince charming. Master’s dot vanished; we can’t argue the facts. She’s strong, we’re wise to goad her into scouting the area. Enough talk, let’s end the operation.”

Most of what was said came from hypotheses. Knowledge of the battlefield was long gone, a communication blackout to stall the enemy. An educated guess turned reality. The night wrapped the continent by storm. Fire glared into clouds of smoke. The decrepit land of monsters cleared to a moment of tranquility. The outer gates shut not after an insurmountable amount of carcass spread around the cracked road. Blood and bodily fluid stained the grayish gate yellow, brownish orange, and black. The stench of death choked unfortunate bystanders. ‘-Damn,’ *huff puff,* ‘-regeneration isn’t kicking in,’ he sat with back against the shut gates, head rested to the cold robust metal sheet, the eyes shut. The right leg of the pants tore from the knee down, a devourer got the better earlier in the fight, it cleanly bit off the leg, which regenerated soon after. Marching soldiers’ beeline across Q3, at the helm, Captain Soong.

“Alchemist,” guns hoisted, “-are you alive or dead?”

“Dead,” said a tired response.

“Shortly, yes,” he marched forth, “-tell me, boy, what happened to the vigilantes?”

“Dead,” he coughed, “-same as me,” emotionless crimson-colored pupils glared into his soul, “-the ringleader’s out to play.”

“Son, don’t make this harder on me,” hands clenched behind his back, “-there’s no doubt in my mind the vigilantes are dead,” a slow-moving behemoth crawled to a stop, “-the tank took care of the valiant escape attempt.”

“Guess you had an ace.”

“Correct, an ace which turned the outcome of the war. The match was one very rudimentary I must add, I thought the elated Igna Haggard to be more of a shower than a talker. Guess my genius outshines even I.”

“I was thoroughly beaten...”

“Yes,” *snap,* “-here’s someone we captured. Lina Holseter, daughter of that damned duke, stupid royalist,” hands tied to her back, “-come on then,” he cut the cloth gag and shoved the lady to the same wall, “-how very sad. Two conspirators and high-ranking nobles no less,” stood behind a firing squad, “-the pleasure has been mine, my lord and lady.”

“I don’t want to d-die,” her body shook in fear, “-I don’t want to d-die. I-Igna I-I’m s-s-sorry, w-w-we’re going to d-die because of me.”

“First time facing death?”

“A-are you not s-scared?”

“Look at me,” said he monotonously.

‘Fatal wounds,’ she gulped, ‘-h-he was d-dead.’

“Attention,” the guns rose.

“Lina, no matter what happens, keep the eyes closed and don’t make a sound.”


“Listen to me, do not move nor speak, I don’t care if you have to piss on the spot, don’t do anything.”

“Why now,” the line readied to fire, ‘-I’m dead anyway.’

“FIRE!” *bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,* muzzles held tinge of smoke, spots of light flickered into the humid dusk, rain droplets sprinkled.

*Spatial-Arts: Wormhole.*

*Mana Control: Dark Element Variant – Mirror of Lies,* the projectiles made contact, ‘-seriously, mana canceling bullets?’ consciousness faded, ‘-my mana’s empty anyway,’ he buckled to the side, ‘-dying two times in a day, what a pain...’

“Halt,” a hand rose, “-check if they’re dead.”

“Affirmative,” said a rookie, “-no signs of life, Igna Haggard and Lina Holseter are dead.”

“Leave the bodies,” he turned, “-can’t risk the monster plague’s affliction. Today’s mission is complete – the royalist will shudder.”

‘Why me,’ hands to her mouth, ‘-why me...’ she crouched inside an abandoned building, footsteps left one at a time, ‘-don’t move,’ resounded across the mind, ‘-don’t move,’ the eyes firmly shut. Droplets turned into a downpour; the rain washed the dirtied his face.

Stood before the gates, ‘-Why did you save me?’ pale skin and lips gave no reply, ‘-why me...’ dropped to the knees, ‘-I made the mistake, why did he have to pay...’ the secondary person, a decoy, bearing her face, faded into the charred expression of a turned.

‘Please make it in time!’ a green bullet flashed across the sky, ‘-where are you, Igna?’ landed atop a building, ‘-what happened?’ she looked around to no end, ‘-the military’s retreating?’ they reached the dormitory, ‘-éclair was right,’ scanned to the right, ‘-no.’ *Woosh,* water sprayed from the harsh landing, Igna’s dead body sat peacefully beside a distraught Lina, tears or rain washed down her face, the empty stare looked on to the passing unchanging gray. Puddles of brown had spots of faded red, brown hair partly turned white, half of the face burnt – a brutal death showed no cause on the last expression.

“H-hey, h-he’s just sleeping right?”

“Masked Assassin?” said a timid voice.

“He’s sleeping right?” clueless laughter hid the sudden burst of emotion, “-Lina, tell me, what happened?”

“Princess Loftha...”

“Tell me what happened!”

“He used the remainder of his magic to save me.”

“He teleported...” Lightning crackled; the 8th of December marked the day when the military gained a stronghold on the infected area.

*Knock, knock,* the manor rang loud and harsh, *knock, knock.*

‘Who in the godly hour of midnight dares pay a visit...’

*Knock, knock.*


*Click,* “-STOP BANGING AT THE DOOR, oh, sorry. Princess Loftha?”

“éclair,” she fell to her knees, “-I need help,” Igna’s body hovered inside.

“Starix, bring towels.”

“Don’t worry about us,” said Lina, “-please do something about him...”

“Sorry to say, we’re not gods,” the maid turned the corner in horror, “-MASTER,” escaped a yelp.

“Quiet down,” towels wrapped about the ladies, “-Starix, lead them to the shower room, I’ll ready a change of clothes.”

‘Master,’ he knelt, ‘-was this the correct choice?’ hoisted onto his back, ‘-I’m sure there was a reason. It was a hard fight, wasn’t it,’ up the lift, he cleaned, dried, and readied the body for sleep. The guests were left traumatized by the events of earlier.

“I’m sorry for imposing...”

“I’m grateful,” said he chopping vegetables, “-death can come to anyone.”

“Aren’t you angry at me?” sniffled Lina.

“Master chose to save thine life, therefore, I have no right to interject in the decision. I wouldn’t get so worked up. Eat and head to sleep, tomorrow will be a new day.”

Bullets wounds healed overnight, *thud,* mana regenerated, the white hair turned dark brown.

*Driiing,* ‘-what?’ scrambled to the alarm, ‘-I thought I’d wake up on the battlefield. Guess they returned me home,’ the palms closed, ‘-most of me is here,’ a quick scan,’-Cleopatra had to intervene and suck out the mana in the atmosphere. Using the inner reserves is bad, still haven’t recovered a quarter. Shot after a deathly battle against an army of monsters, very heroic death me,’ the doors slid to the balcony, ‘-fresh air, finally free from the alchemist lifestyle. December’s rolled around, perhaps I’ll take a vacation and visit mother for the holidays.’

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