The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 868

“Step outside,” she whispered.

Ziu glared; intent on getting his way. Elon had a flash of uncaringness; he rose a hand to the guards. They flocked at him and pushed metal objects against the man’s muscles – the intent hit home. He lowered his head, pushed an embarrassed smile, and left; two behemoths remained at the young Patek’s side. In a way to preserve what little dignity remained, murderously empty threats glared and bounced off, Elon simply ignored the call for attention.

A visibly tense Loftha stood with arms akimbo, “-who the hell?”

“Lord Elon, leader of the Elon Dynasty,” said the charmingly dressed gentleman.

“Lord Elon?” she observed, “-quite the change from the prior-”

“Right on,” he cheered and dropped onto a seat, “-god forbid I divert my anger for Ziu to you, my lady,” fingers round a glass, “-tell us, why would one of thy caliber opt marriage to the Patek’s?”


“My love life isn’t for discussion.”

“I beg to differ,” snarled Igna, “-Loftha, whoever you play around in thy spare time isn’t of my concern. However, the relationship and bonds directly in conflict with what I stand for won’t be allowed.”

“The mighty king is jealous?” she smirked.

“...” a cold air dropped upon her shoulder – black smudge marks popped at various intervals around her field of view, the heart and mind sunk, “-might I remind, I was the one who saved thee. In all intents and purposes, I own you,” he sipped, “-life and soul included,” the cold glare turned smirk, “-ambassador. I don’t envy your position.”

“...” fear, the inability to say what she thought or act as she thought, the feet froze against the ground, her breaths deepened, the furrowed brows and crinkled cheeks didn’t add to her position either. “I jest,” he said on her emotions running wild, “-have a seat. To the fruitful start of a new relation.”

Time eventually came for the coffin to be hoisted. Seiran, Laurance, and Rile had the honor of transporting their comrade. Lord Elon jumped to fill the remaining spot – many of the guests took to their cars and followed to the designated address. Once in her transport, Laura drove towards the graveyard – behind followed multiple darkened cars. Law enforcement and a guard detail from Phantom stood by in case of emergencies.

Igna found himself at the back, watching the crowd disappear. Vanesa was first to leave, her and Lizzie’s growing friendship was a sight to behold. “-Left alone,” commented a snarkily frustrated voice.

“Minerva,” returned Igna, “-apostle to goddess Athena, how may I be of service?”

“Be of service?” she grabbed his collar and pushed, ending against a shelf side of the entrance – a few items fell noisily, “-are you kidding me?” she narrowed, “-I’m praying to myself, do you realize how narcissistic it feels?”

“Not to state the obvious, are you a god now?”

The question hit suddenly, her grip eased, “-no, not at the moment.”

“There’s my point,” he straightened the outfit, “-tell me, Minerva, was the courtesy inadequate?”

“No actually, the church in Arda’s pretty clean. The people are very friendly, I but hail, and what I desire is brought.”

“Glenda’s been looking for a patron goddess. I wondered and leaped between candidates. Syhton was top on the list for I have met the goddess before. She graciously extended a helping hand. Then you,” he smiled, “-you came around. the power of faith is one not to discard easily. Look at me,” he placed his palm in-between and manifested a miniaturized version of Lucifer’s wing, “-seventy percent of the world worships Lucifer, their blind faith strengthened the wings every second. Guess what, by standing at such a peak, I’ve become a god among mankind, regardless of my soul’s inability to reach godhood, I am a god. This,” he curled into a fist and pointed at her heart, “-if a silver of said belief is channeled into you, imagine, my goddess, imagine the growth. There’s no argument of thy claim and thy dignity. You are pure and powerful – allow the people to believe in you, show them miracles, guide them, faith is a double-edged sword, master the weapon and further advance thy agenda. What I offer is my people of Glenda’s faith – stand at my side, Minerva, be part of my entourage. Good company and help are hard to come by – the choice is in thy hand, regardless of the outcome, our contract stands.”

“One condition.”

“Which is?”

“Painter, let me paint to my heart’s fill, and I want to move to Rosespire.”

“Two conditions,” the arms dropped, “-as is wished, Goddess. You’ll move to Rosespire and help around the castle as a council to the people – spread the name of Athena and her grandiosity. In exchange, we’ll shop for an art gallery and host an exhibition in the name of Minerva.”

“What happened to my earlier paintings?”

“Kept at my manor in Alphia. I couldn’t bring myself to sell.”

“Long as they’re safe,” the heaviness around her feet dropped, a moment’s bliss rose from the withered posture, a glimpse of the Goddess’s true form flickered. Her mild gestures, the weirdness attached to her trying to use her phone – it was truly a thing of wondrous beauty.

“Perfect,” he muffled, she smiled at the compliment – footsteps lined at the door, nuns of the Church to Athena humbly waited for the apostle, “-see you at the funeral,” she waved and merged into the crowd, her hands wailed at a younger-looking sister holding an expression of dread. The focus of said conversation laid to be the phone, “-it won’t work,” yelled in the distance.

Arrival at the graveyard wasn’t big a show. Out of the dozens who arrived, only a few knew the true location, most were pushed to a rented restaurant. Phantom had many policies, and when it came to the death of their close companions, only family members were allowed. The crypt dedicated to the Haggard’s one made on orders from Lady Courtney had the ashes of Lizzie Haggard and the items of the deceased King, Staxius. Minerva gave her last word, the large Victorian-design crypt, shadowed by roughly growing vegetations, gave much-needed cover. “-would anyone like to speak a few words?” tension ran high, Laurance, Seiran, Lizzie, and Rile hurdled as one, tightly gripping onto one another. None seemed to want to speak, the death spawned but more suspicion. Igna strode from the back, passing the guests, and stood beside Minerva, “-greetings everyone,” he thundered, silence befell the crowd, “-we gather here to wish one of our comrades a safe journey into the afterlife. From the bottom of my heart, I know Laura is destined for more than heaven, she’s headed to a place better than where we live, a place where people don’t die easily, a place where the concept of violence doesn’t exist. Dream and idealistic as is, I truly wish her the best of luck. I knew Laura, or part of me knew how she was – Princess Lizzie is living proof of how Laura lived, she treated my cousin as her own, tended to her needs, and answered to her whims. The culmination stands before us as a person we can all respect. Laura’s love and affection will never be forgotten. Wherever thee are, Laura, fret not – whoever was gutsy to snuff out the candle of life will pay dearly. I vow to never stop till the fields are crimson by the blood of her enemies. Laura, you’ll live on in our memories, may thee rest in peace.”

Slabs to the crypt opened, the coffin was carried inside with the help of the closest family members. Cobwebs, dust, and moss were a common sight, rat squeals echoed per step. Laura’s resting area was placed beside Lizzie’s. Twinkles of bells and a splash of wine marked the end, as tradition dictates, on saying the last goodbyes, the harbingers(last of whomst carried the dead person) shuffled in single files and never looked back. Minerva was last to exit, the slabs locked by a loud thud, on such, the funeral ended. Attending guests motioned forth and paid their respects. Offers of flowers and alcohol were made.

Igna watched from afar, the harbinger considered of Seiran, Laurance, Lizzie, and Rile. Under normal circumstances, the harbingers would be immediate family related by blood to the ancestors. It is said, those who carry the dead to their resting place are obliged to be taken to the same resting grounds, a beautifully pleasing way to end. Embraces and goodwill sympathies were exchanged, Minerva noticed Igna and split from the crowd, “-not taking part in the celebrations?”

“Not now,” he puffed, “-the crypt’s too small,” he said, “-our family is big, bigger than before,” a nonchalant Yui skipped about, her gluttonous vice locked on offerings granted by the assisting sisters, “-Yui,” a tap on the earring shattered her rhyme.

“Wha are you going?” wondered Minerva, “-allow the girl a moment to enjoy the snacks.”

“Give her an inch and she’ll take a meter,” he uttered quickly and pressed on the issue, “-Yui,” he said, she looked about, confused to where the voice carried, “-here,” he guided the lost soul, “-here!” a raise of the hand caught her attention.

‘-Damn,’ read the visage

“Don’t look disappointed, come here.” She skipped past the black outfits and gave a loud sigh.


“You’ll have a good serving later. I need you,” he brought the phone, “-is the land for sale?” he handed the device.

“Master,” she sighed and rose a hand, “-please,” she smirked and toggled a holographic display, “-everything is for sale,” her right fingers sprawled across a floating keyboard, “-with the right contact, anything can be purchased,” lines dashed up and down, “-yes, it can be purchased for a couple of thousands. Previously owned by noble stripped of land and fortune. Ouch, must have hurt,” she brought up and old news story.

“Noble burnt to the stakes for harboring a mage, the olden age was very graphic.”

“Why ask if the land is for sale?”

“I want to buy it after all.”

“Master, I doubt it’s an esthetically pleasing area for development. We’re a three-minute walk to the church, and even there, the visitors aren’t exactly the type to enjoy buildings.”

“Who said development,” he puffed, “-buy the land, I want it repurposed as a gravesite for workers and members of Phantom. Many of us have forsaken our families and friends to work under our leadership, it’s the least we can do. What’s a couple of thousand, I don’t much care for it.”

“Another whim?” she inquired.

“Very much so,” he laughed, the door unlocked, “-Minerva, you’re with me,” he glanced forth to Lizzie’s ground, Seiran took notice and tapped Vanesa.

“Lady Vanesa, the young master’s calling,” she said.

“Pops’ calling?”


“Guess I should leave,” she waved and skipped, leaving Lizzie and Seiran bewildered.

“She’s an odd one, isn’t she?” the muffled cries and paining heartache eased, “-her being here made the funeral bearable.”

“Oddly so,” sniffled Lizzie, *-incoming call: Manager,* read across her phone, “-we should move.” The various transports split, a soiree to celebrate Laura’s life would be hosted later that day. For the most part, the time in-between was spent in comfort to one another, or so would be the usual case. Igna, Minerva, and Vanesa soon found themselves driving around the capital – the destination, the academic district. Students were plenty, many schools competed for excellence – he passed Lizzie’s school, memories of her death lingered till a sharp turn for a skyrise, “-the Tower of Eeln,” he said, “-a project task in becoming the tallest building on the planet. I say it’s done it’s due,” the foundation was large, very large, inside was a place of wonder, hotels to cinemas and theaters, name and it was housed. Highly expensive fashion brand advertisements laid on the windows, “-why are we here?” narrowed Minerva.

“To visit the art galleries,” he smiled, “-I have a promise to adhere.”

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