The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1010

4th of February came around, and Igna’s sleep broke with the sound of marching. He slithered to the window and gazed onto the active crowd. ‘-life matter,’ he scratched his head and yawned, ‘-today’s the 4th.’ A notification pinged, “-Julius’s birthday,” he wiped his eyes, and the doors tapped softly. “Enter.”

Two figures wandered inside, Igna dawned his dressing gown and a cigarette in his mouth; the balcony door allowed for a casual wind to blow, “-who might you two be?” he puffed.

They held themselves with poise and confidence. The first of the two stopped midway and curtsied, the second followed. They bore pink hair and were dressed in long dresses. The outfit was reminiscent of summer despite the colder Rosespire.

“King of Hidros, Count of Glenda, and the Devil of Marinda, we would be honored if you were to hear our request.”

‘Their outfits,’ he puffed,’-it’s standard issues wear for outings by the Royal Academy,’ he snuffed the cigarette and rose a stern gaze, “-before that, I would like to know your names and affiliation.”

They stared at one another and giggled, “-majesty,” they bowed, “-my name’s Hannah,” said one, “-and I’m Anna,” returned the other, “-we’re Prince Julius’ daughters, your niece.”


“Hanna and Anna?”

“Yes, majesty.”

“Call me uncle,” he turned and sighed at the greater outside, “-how many years has it been? I remember our introduction, Hanna and Anna. Tell me, Anna, do you still enjoy your free time running around meadows?”

“Actually uncle, I’ve taken a liking to adventure,” she returned, “-I passed my test when I was fourteen and obtained the rank of Tier 4 Bronze three years later.”

“Stop standing there, come join me,” he invited the duo onto the large balcony. View from his bedchambers faced the always-evolving Rosespire, “-what about you, Hanna?”

“I was recommended to the university of Rotherham by my instructors. I have to pass the Alchemist’s exam first.”

They strangely stared, Igna took notice, “-is there something on my face?”

“No uncle, it’s not that,” the hands remained pressed, “-it’s just, it’s just... we’re happy.”


“We’ve heard tales of you and our founder, King Staxius. Father told us all about the Haggard dynasty, it’s amazing. We learned about aunt Eira, aunt Elvira, lady Courtney, lady Shanna, and important people who shaped the kingdom,” Hanna’s gaze faced the greater distance, “-to be born in such a prestigious bloodline is an amazing feat. We learn of you and your father’s travels to Arda and how you met the mother.”

“Malley,” he reminisced, “-oh she’s a scary one, trust me.”

“We know,” they answered, “-more importantly, uncle, we learn about you.”

“Yes, yes,” added a chipper Anna, “-father’s amazing too. He used to be a global superstar, people still come to him out in public for autographs.”

“He’s handsome alright, that father of yours. Seems his good looks have transferred, yes?”

“Alchemy, Magiology, painting, music,” Hanna rose a skeptic gaze, “-Uncle, have you really mastered all those crafts?”

“I wouldn’t say master,” he breathed, “-music, for instance, I can perform technical feats and play at an astounding speed, however, compared to a musician who’s devoted their lives to the study, the way they play and express themselves is something one can’t replicate. Painting is one of those hobbies I have to keep my mind sane. Magiology was founded by my uncle, it’s obvious that one from our bloodline ought to continue the research. As for alchemy – the test is hard, I did so only to gain credibility. No one would listen without some adequate proof. The world works on a few basic principles, power, connection, and drive. Who am I kidding anyway, those small things don’t matter.”

“Amazing,” gawked Hanna.

“It’s as father said, sister, uncle Igna is very humble.”

“Yes, yes,” he turned and scuffled their hair, “-can’t believe you both are eighteen years of age. Tell me, what can this old man do?”

They ambled inside and spun, “-almost forgot. Majesty, would it be okay for us to rent the ballroom?”

“Rent the ballroom?” the arms crossed, “-take the matter through the official channel. Elixia or Serene might be able to help.”

“We asked and they said the matter is best handled by the king.”

“Yes, of course, they did,” he exhaled, ‘-they probably think this little meeting would better help our familial relation. Scheming little vixens.’

“Will you help, uncle?”

“Would you girls wait for me inside my office, I ought to change. The air’s rather chilly,” the voice heightened, “-Elixia, care to help them?” a shriek came from the hallway, “-majesty,” she entered brazenly, “-you called?”

“Stop playing the innocent act. I needed a day to myself, don’t worry. Care to escort our guest to the office.”

Her sunken look curled into a pleasant smile, “-master, I will get right on it!”

‘She tried to raise my mood, I have a lovely secretary,’ he entered the walk-in closet to a deluge of lavish suits and accessories. Wealth in jewelry, precious gems, sought-after watches, and items from luxurious brands – many of the things taken for granted was the object of reverence for the common populace. Igna ended up choosing a three-piece navy blue suit.

“Hello,” came a hiss, “-greetings pops.”

“Hello Cruse,” Igna casually fixed his tie and turned at a blemished face, “-my, did you get in a fight?”

“Yeah,” he coughed, “-I tried making friends again... I followed your advice and decided to go after one of the prettier girls. I mean, I made good progress, introduced myself, and spoke about my hobbies and such, we even exchanged phone numbers. I was pretty happy and went to the washroom.”

“You were ambushed by the upperclassman?”

“How did you know?” he blinked in awe, “-pops, do you read minds?”

“No,” he sat down and tied his shoe, “-tell me, Cruse, where did you learn to call me pops?”

“It was brother Draconis, he said I was one of them... he said I was one of your children. Felt right so I said okay?”

“Little ruffian,” he dashed towards the awkward gentleman and scuffled his hair, “-welcome to the family, huh?”

Big gray pupils stared vacantly at Igna, “-Cruse, are you sure you wish to become a part of my family?”

“We made a deal, didn’t we?” he narrowed, “-I still have my powers as misfortune,” he rose his arms to a tangled mess of snakes, “-I could ruin their lives if I so want. Tell me, pops, what do I do?”

The first order of business is to be acquainted with your siblings. Vanesa, Draconis, Raphael and Saniata.”

“I met all of them, they all welcomed me to the family.”

“And the guardian deities?”

“I only met with Intherna, the other two were nowhere to be found.”

“I see, so you visited the Shadow Realm?”

“I’m living there for the past few weeks, pops. I go there after the school’s over.”

“Okay, okay, no need to get feisty. Cruse, if you wish, I can make it official. You’ll join the Haggard dynasty as my son. Saniata has made a name for herself in the modeling world. Draconis is a renowned whimsical adventurer who travels the world. Raphael loves to travel as well, he’s more of the stoic type, voyaging village to village and spreading the name of Miira and healing the sick. Vanesa... she’s, what can I say, a bit strange. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to death. Her personality and motivations are so simplistic it makes me laugh. They all share the name Haggard and go in and out of dimensions. About Draconis, he also takes trips to other dimensions and joins campaigns led by Vesper, you know, the conquest of other worlds. In another word, you’re free to find your own path. Cruse, you’re a student with a lot of talent and knowledge. It’ll become apparent soon enough.”

“Yes, I know, but... I can’t make friends, what am I supposed to do?”

“Here’s a word of advice, don’t worry about making friends. The process is automatic, forcing nature isn’t the greatest option. Try playing a team sport, friendly competition is always great to pass the time. Find a hobby, and go on a quest to learn about yourself. It’s not hard, go with the flow.”

“What about upperclassmen?”

“Well, next time they try anything remember, you’re the king’s son,” he conjured a small object, “-here’s a wooden sword,” it laid squarely in Cruse’s palms, “-infuse mana,” the sword greatened, “-a good sword. Could have given you a gun... can’t afford my kid to go on a genocide. Use magic if that’s easier – no lethal spells, understood?”

“What if they’re trying to kill me?”

“You’ve watched Death reapers fight... channel their movements.”

“Okay,” he smiled, “-thanks for the advice, pops,” he scurried into the bedchambers and headed to the academy. The next order of business was the office. Elixia and the twins waited, the latter had their focus on paintings, “-Uncle, did you make these?”

“Yes,” he marched and settled at the desk. The change in outfit and demeanor piqued Hanna’s interest. Holographic displays toggled, “-come on, have a seat,” he offered. Elixia took her place by his side and gleamed, “-about the ballroom, is it pertaining to Julius’ birthday?”

“Yes,” she nodded, “-we want to throw a surprise party. Morale’s pretty low, I think a good party would brighten our moods.”

“A party,” he looked at Elixia, “-normally, a guest’s list and preparations would commence a few weeks in advance.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Anna slammed a handwritten paper, “-a list of all the guests, snacks, and cost. We’re ready to pay,” she smiled, “-adventuring pays well.”

“Good, very good. I’m impressed. You ask questions already knowing the answer. You may organize the party, consider the ballroom booked for the night. It’ll take a while the get the decorations ready. What about Apexi?”

“We’ve spoken to Serene, she handled the invitations.”

“So be it. Elixia, make certain the guests arrive here at least an hour or two before Julius. Don’t worry about the budget, I’ll cover the cost. Have Midne brought to my office,” she opened the door, “-you called?”

‘They had everything planned. My, the family sure is scary when they want to be.’

“Yes, I need you and retainers on high alert. Time nigh to shine, we’ll host a party that’ll go down in the annals of history!”

“Right...” she withheld her enthusiasm, “-majesty... we’ll get it done.”

“Rest is in your capable hands, Hanna, Anna. Prove to us the ability to plan a great event.”

“Will do, Uncle.”

“Will do.”

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