The Last Primal

Chapter 393 - 393 - Curiosity And Despair

Taking a quick, hurried glance over at his own System Inventory, unfortunately, Aiden\'s eyes skipped over a very important fact… Or lack thereof… 

Focusing on his already burning, curious mind, Aiden selected the \'Lab\' feature, the second option from the revised System Interface.

[ Status | *Lab* | Domain |  Activities ]

Instantly, he was greeted with a vaguely familiar, yet at the same time new screen. 

At the same time, it also confirmed his suspicions that this new interface was what the \'Fusion\' menu had been upgraded to.

[ Fusion | The Workshop ]

The list was slightly shorter than before with only two options. One being the already known feature of the system, while the other, something he had never seen before, was something completely anew.

Although he suspected that even Fusion might have some slight changes, having no real desire to experiment instead he swiftly selected the unknown, newly emerged feature.

Interestingly, unlike anywhere else in the system, he was greeted with a notification once he selected it. This, caused Aiden\'s eyebrows to crease with surprise, as such a thing was uncanny, not resembling the old system at all. Even the text seemed to carry a bit more than just the usual plain, informative tone.

As if, as if… it was something more…

[ Fusion | *The Workshop* ]

[Welcome to the Workshop, a newly unlocked feature of the Lab! Like before with Fusion, this option will also let the host experiment, but instead of forms, the host will be able to combine skills to form new ones! 

A reminder: As with everything else, combining skills WILL MAKE your source skills to be lost, whilst the end result, as the host will see in a moment, is not guaranteed! For higher chances, the host is advised to work on increasing the respective source skill levels before venturing forward!]

\'What the… A warning? Enya, did you add this?\' He asked as he took a second look at the strangely friendly warning. Who added this? Did the system really have a conscience all this time? Or was it something else?

A few seconds of silence passed before Aiden could hear Enya\'s voice. Unfortunately, though, she couldn\'t shed light on this new mystery at all.

\'[Sorry Aiden, it wasn\'t me. Also, I cannot provide you with an answer. There\'s some strange… resistance from the system on this subject.]\'

\'Resistance? What do you mean?\' He asked, confused about her response. 

\'[I am not sure, to be perfectly honest… As the appointed System Guide, my purpose is to serve and assist you, I should be able to access and query the database directly… Yet, regarding this topic I am hitting a wall, I cannot help I am afraid.]\' She responded to Aiden, with a tinge of frustration in her voice.

Being unable to fulfill her role was not something she could easily accept. Her purpose in this \'second\' life was to assist the boy, Aiden… her master, her…

\'Huah… Alright, I guess…\' Aiden heaved a sigh, shrugging his shoulders. In the end, though he kept the warning in the forefront of his mind, he still dismissed the messages and checked what this new feature could hold. After all, as long as he didn\'t commit, he should be able to back out, just like in the case of Fusion… right?

As soon as he cleared the messages, a new, yet vaguely familiar interface greeted Aiden.

Like before, a 3-step guide assisted the host to get over the probably quite complex process and ease it down so even a novice could understand the basics.

Standing at the center of the screen, atop the aqua blue background, a short white text with a dotted line appeared before Aiden\'s exotic, golden eyes.

[Please select the first skill or effect you wish to use. Please keep in mind that only non-unique skills/effects can be selected as an offering!]

Below the text a dotted line blinked, inviting Aiden to focus on it, which, after he did, changed, and a drop-down menu appeared with the list of a variety of skills. Strangely, or probably according to the text, only those that had levels were available.

Scrolling through the list, he wasn\'t certain what to select. None of them seemed to be especially interesting, none sparked his interest, his curiosity.

In the end, his eyes landed on the \'Water Resistance (Level 1)\' passive effect, that he gained way back when he first arrived at this strange, fantastical world. Like with his other resistances, he had no real sense if they were actually doing anything at all. He was in battles before, he was hurt before yet never really seen an increase in any of them. 

In the end, he decided that it would be perfect for experimenting with the feature. Also, he wasn\'t planning to actually go through with it, so there would be no loss at all, right?

Once selected, the screen flashed, the text updated and changed, the process advanced to the second question.

[Please select the second skill or effect you wish to use. Please keep in mind that only non-unique skills/effects can be selected as an offering!]

Like before, a list, now one option shorter, appeared in front of Aiden\'s eyes as he focused his attention on the dotted line.

Scrolling through he was stumped on what to actually select. Selecting another effect wasn\'t that interesting, even if it would probably be a wise choice.

Instead, he was keenly interested in selecting one of his actively used abilities… For example, what would happen if he were to combine the Resistance with [Primal Absorb]? Would he lose his defining trait as a Primal? Or would something new, and unexpected happen? 

The thought was enticing, yet, Aiden did not dare to take such a risky step.

Instead, he glanced over at the other skills he had. [Axe Mastery] while it was available was just plain stupid. He couldn\'t see anything useful coming out of it. [Dark Essence], was way too cryptic, and Aiden had this feeling that he shouldn\'t waste the skill. [Primal Restoration] was yet another ability he gained through his advancement as a Primal being, a defining trait of his own existence, he wasn\'t willing to play with it.

In the end, he was left with either picking [Martial Arts], which while it still had its purpose it was clearly overshadowed by its upgraded innate version. Still, the martial basic fighting knowledge and even experience it provided still made it a priceless treasure trove.

Ultimately he was left with [Hunt]. A skill that while it held its usefulness, wasn\'t something he would be too bothered about if he were to lose it. He could just regain it, it is not like the memories of his days spent in the forest or even in the pocket world would be forever lost…

Taking one last look at the list, he reaffirmed his decision and chose the [Hunt (Level 4)] skill.

As soon as he did, just like before the skill changed once again, bringing him to the last step in the combining process.

[Selected skills for fusion:

A) Water Resistance (Level 1)

B) Hunt (Level 4)


Analyzing Options… Please wait…]

As the screen appeared, it completely blocked all other menu options, leaving Aiden with no other choice but to wait until the System was finished with its analyzation.

Thankfully, it didn\'t take too long, barely a minute, before the screen flashed again and updated.

[Selected skills for fusion:

A) Water Resistance (Level 1)

B) Hunt (Level 4)


Chance for success: 59%

Possible Results: Hunt (Level 5), Water Resistance (Level 5), ????, ????.

Proceeding in 15…]

\'Wait.. What?\' Aiden looked at the screen with shock. A short countdown emerged, effectively tying his hands and giving him no option to back out but to go along with his selection. What was this?

A sense of panic started to overwhelm Aiden\'s mind, with reflex, he instantly called out to the only person that he hoped could help him in this predicament.

\'Enya! HELP!\'

Not even a moment passed as her agitated voice resounded in his mind.

\'[I am trying, but I can\'t do anything! The system is forcing it on you on its own!]\'

However, the countdown mercilessly continued, not giving them a chance to debate over the matter. The timer reached zero, and the screen disappeared from Aiden\'s eyes in the next instant.

For a single moment, everything turned silent. Aiden could not see anything, it was as if the System that was tied to his soul completely vanished. Even his guide, Enya, Aiden could not feel her presence in his mind at all. 

With a growing worry, he called out.

\'Enya? Are you there?\'

Yet he could feel no presence, nor did he receive a response.

Seconds turned to minutes as time continued to pass, increasing Aiden\'s dread as he was left alone in his room, lamenting on his childish curiosity and the disaster he brought upon himself.

Luckily, before he could fall even deeper into his own growing despair, suddenly the familiar presence emerged, a weary, tired, but still, the happy-sounding voice of his beloved guide came to his mind.

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