The Last Primal

Chapter 394 - 394 - Minions And Sub-world

\'[Huah… Aiden, try not to do something like this again. At least, not until you wait for me to check it out first… Thanks to Ioris, you lucked out this time but who knows what would happen next…]\'

Although he was berated, the only thing that registered in Aiden\'s mind was not the lecture but something else…

\'Lucked out?\' Aiden asked with a befuddled expression. Luck? How could whatever that transpired be considered-

However, before he could finish his inner lament, the system\'s screen reappeared once again, giving an answer to Enya\'s vague explanation.

[Selected skills for fusion:

A) Water Resistance (Level 1)

B) Hunt (Level 4)


Chance for success: 59%

Possible Results: Hunt (Level 5), Water Resistance (Level 5), ????, ????.


Process Successful! The Skills [Water Resistance (Level 1) and Hunt (Level 4) have been fused together and merged into a new one.

The skill: [Aquatic Predator (Level 1) has been created!]

Without wasting any time, Aiden focused his attention on the newly acquired skill, to see what it was actually about.

[Aquatic Predator (Level 1):  The keen senses of the fearsome hunters of the depth of seas and oceans course through your veins. The skill passively enhances your senses while underwater gives you passive resistance to the ever-increasing pressure of the dark, unexplored depths. 

Being a fused skill, the skill retains the knowledge of its parent traits, providing a minimal amount of resistance against water-based magical attacks and the knowledge of a fearsome predator, a natural-born hunter of the wilds.]

Reading through the text, Aiden was stunned for quite a while. In the end, he had to admit that he truly lucked out with this one. Still, he now had an understanding of the Workshop, and, not too keen on playing fate any more, he quickly closed the feature and navigated back to the menu.

Glancing over the window and seeing as it was still the height of the night, Aiden relaxed and focused on the third, and probably most important update his system has most likely received. The Domain, which was probably an updated and expanded term for the Minions feature he had previously.

As he selected the feature the familiar screen of what he had seen once before had appeared for him once again.

[ Status | Lab | *Domain* |  Activities ]

[ *Info* | Manage | World | Tasks ]

The first two sub-options were the same as before however, there was now a new, third and even a third sub-feature unlocked.

By default, just like before, the information tab was presented, showing the summary of his current \'army\'. Still, there were significant changes to the system


Minions: 4 / 100

Currently Active Minions 1 / 4

Other Subjects: 489

At [UNNAMED] Minion World: 

Minion Quality:  3 x Tier 3 (clean)

1 x Tier 2 (clean)

Current Hierarchical Composition:

Citizen: 436

Soldiers: 53

Officers: 4

Note: Subjects are the accepted inhabitants of the [UNNAMED] Minion World, and are not under the direct control of the system and thus not counted in the Minion Count. The host will need to inject his energy into their cores and thus through transformation new members could be added.


Surprisingly, his previous 10 limit was massively increased, now sporting 10 times its previous size, proudly standing at a whopping 100 limit.

Also, to Aiden\'s great surprise, there was a count of all the other \'inhabitants\', the orcs that migrated into the world through his help were also displayed on the screen.

Apart from that, not much has changed. Though it was obvious that the system wanted him to name this new space, this new world that was slowly turning from a lifeless void into a real safe haven, Aiden wasn\'t sure about what to use.

\'Hmm… I should probably ask the others. I should be able to contact them now… But before that…\'

With great anticipation, Aiden selected the second tab under the Domain. For a while now, he was dying to learn more about her dear little Galina\'s state. What has she transformed into, why was the System referring to her as his \'kin\'? Could he have shred his goblin origins and has evolved to something similar to him? Could she be…

As the information slowly appeared in front of Aiden, and he selected Galina under the appearing list, Aiden\'s eyes went wide with shock.

[Minion Details:

Name: Galina Voragon

Status: Sleeping

Race: Lesser Primal: Goblin Origin (Tier 3+) (clean)

Class: Priest

Level: 12

Condition: 100%

Soul Power: 220

Mana: 0

Experience: 0

Might: 10

Agility: 8

Spirit: 18


Language. Common (Lvl -), Language: Orc (Lvl -), Language: Goblin (Lvl -), Martial Arts (Lvl 1), Mace Mastery (Lvl 2), Magic Proficiency (Lvl -), Light Magic (Lvl 3), Nature Magic (Lvl 2), Dragonlord\'s Grace (Lvl 1), Primal Absorb: Basic (Level 1 - Restricted), Silent Casting (Level 1), Primal Spellcaster (Level 1)


Touch of the Primal (Lvl -), Primal Core (Lvl 2), Magic Resistance (Level 2), Devoted Follower (Level -), Primal Kin (Level -)]

The changes in her statistics were massive, to say the least. Not just her huge increase in all of her parameters, his increased proficiency in Light and even Nature Magic, but his vague, new abilities as well. 

Silent Spellcasting being quite self-explanatory, Aiden didn\'t waste too much time on it, Primal Spellcaster on the other hand, after giving it a quick, more detailed look, was exactly what he guessed. The strange runic symbols she drew during the battle during the day was coming from this.

It wasn\'t only a more potent, and swifter form of casting spells, it also gave her a generic understanding of the ancient and forgotten knowledge of Runes of all kinds. Though she couldn\'t read and understand all of them, she could at the very least identify its origins; were they elven, dwarven, or perhaps something else? 

This was already an incredibly powerful skill. So powerful in fact, that Aiden was speechless and more worriedly, clueless as to where it actually came from. Did the System grant it to her? If so, how? Or perhaps, were all of her gains something that came from… inside him? 

Either thought carried heavy thoughts and consequences. Something, that Aiden didn\'t want to dwell too much, at least not now.

Looking at the end of the list, Devoted Follower was a kind of weird passive ability, giving the holder of the effect a natural all-around boost to all her abilities as long as he or she was in a 15-meter radius around him. 

Primal Kin, however, was once again, a very strange and cryptic passive, its effects were not clear.

[Primal Kin: A newly emerged member of the once forgotten and lost ancient race…]

Apart from these, the newest detail, that he almost missed was the new \'Status\' parameter, that after checking it with Roas, Gob, and Glohn seemed to be a short, one-word description of the current state or activity of what all of his servants were doing.

As he already confirmed, Galina was obviously resting and keeping company to the saddened Lily. However, what was much more interesting was the others. Roas and Glohn were in a \'Meeting\', while Gob was \'Training\'.

As the night was still at its prime, and there was ample time to spend till morning, Aiden decided to stop what he was doing and instead do something he had not before.

Heck, he wasn\'t even certain that he would be able to do so! Yet, he wanted to at least give it a try.

With the thought of visiting his minion\'s special space lingering in his mind, Aiden called out for his guide.

\'Enya, do you know if I could visit this Minion World myself? Or is that perhaps not something I can do?\' He asked mentally, hoping that his wish was feasible.

Enya\'s response came after a couple of seconds.

\'[You can Aiden. The portal you can open from the system will also allow you to cross over. In fact, through the system, in a way, you are the owner, the sole god of that whole world. Once you enter, you will be able to use the \'Domain\' tab to customize, reshape, create or destroy whatever you like. 

However, keep in mind that once you reach a specific level, and convert the hidden sub-world to a real one, other entities will be able to sense it and find it.]

Enya gave a very grave-sounding, ominous warning right from the go. Thinking a bit over her words, Aiden couldn\'t help but ask.

\'If that is the case, why would I bother with reaching this \'checkpoint\'. Why would I want to put those that seek safe refuge to unknown threats? I am not that stupid…\'

\'[Although you have never checked, nor asked, but the subspace was not just magically created. The system only used the authority given to it by Ioris to occupy an empty section of the endless void and shield it from the outside world. Slowly, using the godly divinity available, it reshaped a basic surface and once you reached a satisfactory power level, it injected your own energy into it, converting it from the dead wastelands to the emerald meadow that you have seen the last time.]

She gave only a momentary pause in her speech before continuing to shed light to even more shocking news.


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