Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 145 - One Hundred And Forty-Five: Time To Depart Again

"Oh, good morning, Jules." I said remembering the events of the previous night.

"You sleep well?"

"Yes, in the end."

"I\'m not surprised after all that activity you had."

"Yeah… That was something.."

"Hopefully, I\'ll be able to have you all to myself next time."

I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that."

"It wasn\'t your fault. To be honest I was just glad that you were able to resolve that peacefully."

Jules climbed out of bed and started to throw on some clothes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Still early, you have a while before the others come for you. I need to get washed up and ready for work."

"Right." I said starting to climb out of bed.

"You can stay here for a while if you like. I\'m not going to chuck you out."

"It\'s okay. I should probably go and clean up too. Might as well go and get ready to leave."

I climbed out of bed and dressed. The pair of us went downstairs together, stopping as we reached the entrance for the baths.

"Bye for now I suppose. You will come and find me before you leave, won\'t you?" Asked Jules.

"I will."

"Then I\'ll see you later."

Jules left to enter the female baths and I headed inside the men\'s. After a quick wash I headed back up to my own room to get ready before I met the others. I checked through my gear, not that there was much to check. It was all still packed from returning the day before, with the addition of the potions we bought.

After satisfying myself that everything was still there, I changed into my armour and went downstairs to wait for the others. Jules was already back on the front desk, and I waived to her as I went to find a table.

It was still early, and I was the first to arrive, so I took the opportunity to order some breakfast while I waited for them. This made quite the change, I was usually the one that they were waiting for. Just as my food arrived at the table, Serin arrived at the guild.

Seeing I was already there she came over and joined. "Morning Theo."


"I was a little early. I wasn\'t expecting you to be down here yet. I was just about to head upstairs and wake you."

"Yeah, a few things happened last night and well, I was up early."

"What happened?" She asked sounding a little concerned.

"I was attacked…"


I explained the events of the previous night to Serin as I ate.

"That\'s crazy! You were lucky to make it out of that unhurt." She said after listening to my explanation.

"I know."

"And Lisa has them here?"

"Yeah, she was going to question them before she decided what to do with them."

"I knew there might be some elements unfaithful to our own guild, but I\'d never have thought they would have attacked you here in the building!"

"It was quite the surprise."

As we were talking Altria had arrived and had walked up behind me.

"What was the surprise?" She asked.

"Oh, Altria. I was just telling Serin what happened last night."

"Did she really want to know that?"

"Not like that…" I said before explaining the previous night\'s events once again.

"I can\'t believe they were stupid enough to try something here! I guess that means we\'ll have to be even more careful than we thought. I wonder what they were offered to attempt that?"

"They said they were offered enough money to be able to move to the capital and settle down."

"That\'s quite the reward on your head. No wonder they went to such lengths!"

"Well, a lot of people are desperate to move to the capital, so I\'m not surprised someone took them up on that kind of offer. I hope Lisa manages to trace the source."

I finished up eating my breakfast while we discussed the matters at hand. It was fast approaching the time we had set to depart. We were now just waiting for Liz and Beth to arrive. I decided to head over to the front desk to say goodbye to Jules before we left.

"Hey, are you almost ready to leave?" She asked as I walked up to the desk.

"Yep, just waiting for the rest of the party to assemble and we\'ll be off."

"I hope you\'re successful, for all our sakes!"

"I hope so."

"And stay safe, I want to see you back here."

"I\'ll be trying my best don\'t worry about that."


As we were talking the door at the back of the desk opened and Lisa stepped out.

"Morning Lisa. Is there something up?" Asked Jules.

"No… I just came to see them off." She said glancing over at me.

"But you never…"

"This quest is important to us all."

As we spoke the rest of the party joined us at the desk. Beth and Liz had arrived at the guild whilst I was talking to Jules. We were ready to set out. Serin had noticed Lisa at the desk and strode over.

"Did you find anything from those two? Do you know who set them up to it?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, very little. It seems whoever issued the request is working in secret. They never met them in person, but I do have a few leads. Don\'t worry I\'ll be looking into the matter whilst you\'re all away. You can concentrate on your own task now."

"I will."

Lisa stepped out from the desk and into the hall. She looked like she was going to address all of us.

"Now, I don\'t want to put too much pressure on you all as I\'m sure you are all well aware just how important this mission is. Your success here could prevent a war amongst the races. I just wanted to wish you all well and the best of luck before you left."

"Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate it!" Replied Serin.

"I\'ll try and hold things down as best I can here while you are gone."

Then it was time for us to leave. Beth, Liz, Serin, Altria and I were all set. With our goodbyes all said we left the guild building only to be met on the steps by Rosa.

"Is everything okay?" Serin asked realising we hadn\'t seen her since we had returned to the capital.

"Yes, I just had the feeling that if I didn\'t check in at the guild soon, I was going to find you already on another quest. Looks like I was right!" Replied Rosa.

"Yes, we\'re about to head into the wilds… We\'re hoping to find the truth behind the shrines."

"I see… I don\'t suppose you need a driver?" Rosa asked a little sheepishly.

"I\'m afraid not, we won\'t be travelling on the roads. This is going to be much more dangerous than anything we\'ve faced yet. We couldn\'t ask you to come with us."

"I understand…"

"It\'s not that I think you would hold us back, honestly we\'re taking a risk bringing Theo with us."

"No, I understand. I\'m just glad I got here in time to see you off."

"Me too. What will you do now? I suppose the trade routes are closed for now."

"Seems like it will be quiet for a while, I\'m not really sure. I was thinking of joining the guild. Perhaps I can help watch things here while you\'re away."

"If you do, make sure to tell Jules you are friends with our party, and Lisa the guild master. They will look out for you."

"Thanks, I will. I won\'t hold you any longer, don\'t you need to get to saving the world?"

"We do…" Laughed Serin.

Altria and I quickly said goodbye to Rosa, each of us giving her a hug before we left. I wasn\'t sure how I felt leaving her behind. She already felt like a proper member of our party with everything that had happened. I knew Serin was right, it would be dangerous to throw her in at the deep end with a quest like this. I was already brining down our average level just by being here. Once we were done, we left Rosa at the top of the steps and headed down to the square, she was waving us goodbye until we passed out of sight.

As we walked through the city towards the gates, I was sure this place was getting even quieter as the time passed. It probably wasn\'t even my imagination. The threat of war was hanging over the place, anyone that didn\'t need to be here, or had the means to leave would have already left. The city was now close to the new frontier with the alliance after all.

I expected that the girls from the previous night weren\'t the only ones who had thought it best to switch side either. This place had been part of the alliance for over a generation now, there must have been plenty of people that felt as loyal to that as their own kind. I was mulling these things over the entire way to the city limits, it wasn\'t until we reached the gates that I stopped.

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