Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 146 - One Hundred And Forty-Six: Passage Through The Woods

"That was Rosa. I think you\'re right, she did look like that… I\'m not sure how I feel about leaving her behind."

"But she isn\'t an adventurer, is she?

"No, at least she isn\'t yet."

"Then it\'s probably for the best that she didn\'t join us."

"Maybe, but if it wasn\'t for her, we wouldn\'t have made it back from the capital. She\'ll be safer staying behind. I just don\'t like the feeling that we\'ve left her there when she obviously wanted to come."

"If you feel like that you could have said something to Serin. She would have listened to you."

"Yeah, but I understand why she made that decision, and it was probably the right choice."

After following the road for about thirty minutes, we started to cut across the fields. In the distance was a large forest, and we would soon be crossing it. As we reached the outskirts of the wood we started to form up, Altria went up in front and scouted the way. Serin and I followed behind her, while Beth and Liz took the rear of our party.

As we walked under the canopy, I walked alongside Serin. "Are we expecting to encounter any monsters here?"

She nodded. "There\'s a good chance we will. This isn\'t the most dangerous of areas, but it isn\'t free of them. With the way things are at the moment, I wouldn\'t be surprised if we had an encounter or two before we made it across. Remember the village under attack from the goblins?"

"Of course."

I wasn\'t going to forget that in a hurry.

"That was once a quiet area too. It\'s best we all stay alert."

"Understood… How far is it until we reach the demon controlled lands?"

"About two days walk from here if we keep to schedule. We\'ll have to be a lot more cautious once we reach it."

"What can we expect to find once we\'re there?"

"The land is falling to ruin, the level of monsters there is higher than anything you will have encountered here. Then there are the demons, you\'ve met some before, so you have a good idea of what to expect. This isn\'t going to be an easy mission, and we\'ll be lucky if we can make to the shrine undetected."

It was pretty clear that Serin was worried about what would have to face as we proceeded.

"But we\'ll make it there, won\'t we?"

"I hope so."

She didn\'t sound convinced.

"I would say that our odds are about fifty fifty." Liz said from behind me.

I glanced back over my shoulder. "For making it there undetected?"

"No, for making it back alive…"

"That doesn\'t sound like great odds!"

"I\'d say that is quite an optimistic outlook."

"Really? That doesn\'t make me feel any better."

"You need to think realistically about this. We\'re heading deep into enemy territory. Our intel about the land is patchy at best, we have no idea if, or how well monitored the area around the shrine is. If it wasn\'t for your succubus friend, I would put our odds a lot lower. I have high hopes that she will prove useful to us."

"I hadn\'t thought about that. She might have some idea what the situation is like there."

"She may, but she could prove useful in other ways too."

"Should I call her here now, so we can ask her?"

"I would leave it for the time being. This area is fairly quiet, but there is still a small chance that we could run into other adventurers. We don\'t want to run into any trouble, and we have plenty of time before we reach the region. We can plan as we get closer."

"Okay, I\'ll wait until later… You know, when you said she could prove useful in other ways, what did you mean?"

"Other than information and directions. If we get into a pinch, I\'m sure she\'ll be helpful, succubus skills are perfect for infiltration."

"They are, but they require a lot of energy. You know I\'m the only one here that can feed her?"

"I am well aware. You\'ve been managing all this time, so you obviously don\'t have an objection to it."

"That\'s not the issue. If it happens a lot, it could be a problem."

"You have plenty of potions to recover with. You\'ll be fine."

I was starting to think that everything with Liz, would somehow turn into an experiment for her. I was about to object further when, Altria suddenly called us to a halt.

She turned back towards the group. "Shh."

"What is it?" Serin asked quietly under her breath.

"Something I wasn\'t expecting to encounter here. A wildcat monster!"

Serin looked surprised by this. "They\'re never this close to the city…"

"I know, but things are getting stranger as the demon territory encroaches. We were expecting something."

"Something, but not that!"

"A wildcat, are they not small and fairly harmless?" I asked.

"No." Answered Altria.


"They\'re almost as large as the bears we encountered before, but considerably more dangerous. We\'ll manage, but we\'ll need to be careful." Explained Serin.

"It\'s picked up our scent!" Altria said alerting us to the incoming threat.

"Okay, you stay back Theo." Instructed Serin.

"No, I want to help. I need the experience too."

"Fine, but stay behind me until I say."


"Liz, can you back us up?" Asked Serin.

"Leave it to me." She replied.

"Beth, follow Theo and make sure he\'s safe, okay?"

"Sure thing."

"I\'ll take the lead, Altria cover us."

"On it."

Serin pulled out her blade and begun to creep forward. I followed closely behind, and Beth shadowed me. Altria stood the bow at the ready and poised to take a shot. Liz was just stood at the back of the group as if she was casually waiting for something to happen. Well, she was easily our strongest member, and she was taking the rear.

As we pushed forward, in the distance I could see the vegetation being pushed apart and after focusing on the area I could make it out. The giant wildcat, it was well camouflaged, but it was twice the size of a tiger. I was starting to regret my decision to come up front and try and take this thing on.

Serin knelt down and gave the hand signal for us to stop. She looked back at the others we\'d left behind and waved to Liz. We would wait for her to hit it with a status effect and make our move. As we waited, I could feel the air begin to crackle with energy. I glance back over my shoulder to see Liz enveloped in light. What was she doing? I wondered.

Then she shouted over. "Quick, I can only hold it like this for a few minutes!"

As soon as she had said so Serin got to her feet and rushed forward, while Beth and I followed closely behind. We soon stopped as we got closer to the creature, it was completely frozen to the spot by whatever Liz had done.

"Well, you do the honours Theo." Serin said sheathing her sword.

I walked up to the creature. This didn\'t really seem fair, I almost felt sorry for the thing being killed like this and I hesitated.

"Come on Theo, you don\'t have much time." Urged Beth.

At least I could make it quick. I stepped round to the side of the creature. I pulled my blade up to its head and paced it at the back of its ear. With one large heave I pushed it in all the way up to the hilt, it died almost instantly. I had to press my foot against its body to retrieve my weapon, and was sprayed with its dark blood as I pulled it out.

​ There was the usual tada noise followed by a message to tell me that I had gone up another level. I had reached level eleven, it had been a while since I had gained any experience, so it was appreciated, but it still felt a little wrong.

"Well done." Beth said patting me on the back.

I shrugged. "I didn\'t really do a lot."

"I know, but it just doesn\'t feel right killing an enemy like that does it? You handled it well." She said knowingly.


Seeing that the beast was felled, Liz and Altria joined the rest of us.

"Just what was that technique, Liz?" I asked as she reached us.


"Wasn\'t that a little overkill?"

"Maybe, but we didn\'t want anyone getting hurt. No need to take risks."

"Are you sure you weren\'t showing off?"

"It doesn\'t hurt to demonstrate my skill. This is my first time out with you all, I wanted to make a good impression."

"If we didn\'t realise how strong you were already, I suppose that does bring it home."

"Thank you."

Lillia\'s bind seemed pretty weak in comparison to that.. But I suppose it was quite a useful technique, I wondered how much mana she had used up with that little display though.

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